Hartford Courant


Trump proposal to import cheaper medicines is moving forward.

- By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion, eager to show progress on prescripti­on drug costs, moved forward Wednesday with its plan to allow Americans to safely and legally get access to lower-priced medicines from abroad.

But patients are unlikely to see quick relief on prices, even in states such as Florida that are pursuing their own import plans. Meanwhile, major legislatio­n to lower costs for seniors has gotten bogged down in a Congress consumed by the impeachmen­t of President Donald Trump.

On Capitol Hill, the House and the Senate have different strategies to cut drug costs. There’s considerab­le overlap between the congressio­nal plans, but there are also sharp difference­s.

A bipartisan bill in the Senate and House-passed legislatio­n from Speaker Nancy Pelosi would cap what Medicare recipients pay out of pocket for medicines and penalize drug companies that raise their prices above the inflation rate.

Canadian officials have also raised questions, saying their country’s prescripti­on drug market is too small to have any real impact on U.S. prices.

In Washington, U.S. health officials unveiled a proposed regulation that would allow states to import many brand name drugs from Canada, with federal oversight. A second draft plan would let pharmaceut­ical companies seek approval to import their own drugs, from any country.

It’s unclear if either pathway will be available to patients ahead of the 2020 election, although the Trump administra­tion has advanced beyond its predecesso­rs in trying to set up a supervised system for importing drugs. Medicines cost less in other advanced countries because the government­s take an active role in setting prices.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar traveled to Florida on Wednesday to promote the plan with Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. Earlier this year, DeSantis signed a bill intended to allow pharmacies and wholesaler­s in his state to import drugs from Canada, for patients covered by government programs like


There are still some hurdles before Florida can start, the governor acknowledg­ed Wednesday.

“This is not easy stuff,” DeSantis said. More work is needed, “but I’d much rather be here moving forward than on the sidelines chirping,” he added.

Azar earlier told reporters that allowing imports “can move us to a more open and competitiv­e market.”

“We will not take steps that would put patients or our drug supply at risk,” he added.

Wednesday’s proposals follow the outline of an announceme­nt by the White House in July. Many people already buy at least some of their medicines from pharmacies in Canada or Mexico, although technicall­y it’s illegal to import them.

The idea of allowing importatio­n has been around for years, but previous attempts have been blocked by pharmaceut­ical industry lobbying and safety concerns seconded by government regulators.

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