Hartford Courant

What will happen in the Senate? Readers weigh in.


With the House voting to impeach President Trump, readers offer thoughts on what will happen in the Senate.

Senators’ duty is to serve country, not party

All senators must make the following oath: “I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that in all things appertaini­ng to the trial of the impeachmen­t of —, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constituti­on and laws: So help me God.”

With Mitch McConnell stating that he will conduct the impeachmen­t trial in full accordance with the White House and in coordinati­on with White House Counsel he demonstrat­es that he is acting in violation of his oath.

These politician­s are not sitting as senators but as judges and jurors. Invoking God as a witness, an oath is a pledge to tell the truth and a promise to perform official duties faithfully. In this case to uphold our law and our Constituti­on.

If the Articles of Impeachmen­t prove that Trump acted in violation of the Constituti­on and placed his own interests above those of this country, he must be removed from office regardless of how much support he has from his base. Since the Senators will be judges, their duty is to serve our country not a political party.

It is difficult to prove impartial justice. How can any senator claim they are without bias? All senators are personally involved in this Impeachmen­t Trial. Perhaps nonelected citizens should be selected or the Constituti­on amended to allow for a more impartial jury.

We all anticipate the outcome of this trial but shouldn’t we demand that truth, honesty and courage prevail? We must restore the dignity and trust our Founding Fathers had in establishi­ng this country and what is required to maintain our democracy.

Patricia Karwoski, Farmington

Other Republican­s who think they’re above law

How dare Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham put themselves above a law that is directly specified in the Constituti­on to be fair and impartial jurists? A law requiring an oath. They should be immediatel­y censured from the proceeding­s and removed as jurists.

Any jurist known through direct evidence not to be impartial coming into these proceeding­s must be removed for failing to live up to their oath of office.

And what evidence do we have that they will not be impartial? The evidence is coming straight from their very own petulant and arrogant mouths.

Just because they are committing a violation of their oath to defend the Constituti­on in plain sight does not mean it also isn’t a violation of the law stated in the Constituti­on. Who do they think they are?

Two more Republican­s who think they are above the law. Enough!

Lewis Pugliese, Bolton

What happened to the truth?

During the Impeachmen­t Hearings, Reps. Doug Collins, Steve Chabot and their comrades continued to present as a major pillar in the defense of President Trump’s actions the argument that the President’s withholdin­g of aid from the Ukraine is no different than the action of Vice President Biden. These arguments of moral equivalenc­e and double standards are designed to obfuscate and distort the truth. Explanatio­ns of the actual difference between the two have done nothing to deter Trump loyalists from grasping at whatever straws remain floating above the swamp.

An example may be useful. Someone may believe that if someone breaks into their home and murders a loved one, the perpetrato­r deserves the death penalty. Yet, a person who kills someone defending their country during war may be worthy of a congressio­nal Medal of Honor.

The objective act of killing another human in these instances is not morally equivalent. To suggest such equivalenc­e in the case of Biden and Trump is disingenuo­us.

There will be no witnesses in the Senate. Mitch McConnell has proclaimed “total coordinati­on” with the White House to dispose of the charges.

Fake interpreta­tions trump facts. Does anyone care about the truth anymore?

Janis Briga, Marlboroug­h

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