Hartford Courant

More at high risk of COVID-19 complicati­ons than you think


In the early days of the stay-at-home orders, one of the arguments used to press for a quick and nearly full reopening of the country was that COVID-19 wasn’t that dangerous. Why be so upset about the novel coronaviru­s, some critics asked, when flu kills more people? That talking point was squashed when, within three months of the pandemic’s start, the coronaviru­s killed more Americans than the last flu season did in six-plus months. COVID-19 has now killed almost 50% more Americans (about 93,000) than the highest estimate of the season’s flu toll (about 62,000).

The new argument is that the coronaviru­s is dangerous just to the elderly and people with certain underlying conditions. Those people should stay at home, the reasoning goes, while the rest of the nation goes about business as usual.

Certainly, people in those groups are far more likely to develop severe cases of COVID-19 and to die of the disease. But aside from the obvious — that widespread coronaviru­s in the larger community is also dangerous to those staying at home, because most people cannot live in an absolute bubble — this argument paints a false portrait of the nation and its residents.

The number of people facing a particular threat from COVID-19 isn’t a “just” or “only” number. It includes the obese, smokers and people with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, chronic and severe kidney problems, and compromise­d immune systems, such as cancer patients who are undergoing or recently completed chemothera­py, as well as people who take corticoste­roids or other immunity suppressor­s for autoimmune conditions.

Less well known is whether high blood pressure is a factor. Some uncertaint­y also surrounds the issue of weight — so far, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is counting only severely obese people as high risk. A person who is 5 feet 6 would need to weigh 248 pounds to reach that level. But one analysis found that people with less extreme levels of obesity, both younger and older, were twice as likely to be hospitaliz­ed with COVID-19 as those with healthier weights.

How many people does all this add up to? We know how many Americans have a particular health problem — about 11% of

Americans have diabetes, about 14% smoke cigarettes, close to 40% are obese but only 9% severely so, and so forth. But many categories overlap. Obesity is a cause of type 2 diabetes. Elderly people and smokers are more likely to have heart and lung diseases.

A new paper published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases estimated that 45% of adult Americans fit at least one high-risk category. But it left out people in institutio­nalized settings, and we know that nursing homes have accounted for a hugely disproport­ionate number of deaths.

Even if the high-risk population were a small portion, it would be unethical to act as though their lives and their contributi­ons to our society didn’t matter all that much. But they are not a small corner of America. There could well be more adults with risk factors than those without.

Those who pooh-pooh the novel coronaviru­s’ effect on American health have often portrayed at-risk people as being at death’s door even without the pandemic — the implicatio­n being that the disease won’t shorten their lives by much. Yet two preliminar­y studies have estimated that those who have died of

COVID-19 could have expected, on average, a decade more of life had they not been infected.

The virus has held up a mirror to the state of American health, and the reflection is unflatteri­ng. Our rates of obesity and related health problems, such as diabetes and cardiovasc­ular illness, are far too high. Conversely, this nation has done far better than many others at reducing cigarette smoking, though that is still the leading cause of preventabl­e death in this country. If we applied that kind of energy to reducing obesity rates — Switzerlan­d’s rate is well less than half of ours — this would be a far healthier nation generally and one with a lower COVID-19 death rate.

Right now, if people want to think of the high-risk coronaviru­s population as just senior citizens and people with underlying conditions, they should consider this: That “just” population is somewhere around half of adult America and quite possibly more. They’re not a tiny fraction of America. They are America, as much as anyone else.

This editorial first appeared in the Los Angeles Times.

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