Hartford Courant

Dozens of health workers urge closures

Letter calls on Lamont to restrict gatherings, gyms, indoor dining

- By Emily Brindley

Dozens of local physicians and nurses in Connecticu­t are urging Gov. Ned Lamont to immediatel­y close down gyms, prohibit indoor dining and ban all unnecessar­y gatherings, as hospitals once again begin to fill up with coronaviru­s patients.

Thirty-six medical workers — who work directly with COVID19 patients — signed onto a Nov. 24 letter that they sent to Lamont and copied to acting Public Health Commission­er Dr. Deidre Gifford.

“The rapid increase in admissions and severity of illness that we are seeing here in the ICU and the wards is incredibly concerning,” the letter reads.

Lamont’s office did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

The letter laid out the gravity of the situation, as Connecticu­t’s coronaviru­s hospitaliz­ations and deaths spike to levels not seen in months. On Friday, hospitaliz­ations passed 1,000 for the first time since mid-May. So far in November, the state has reported 345 coronaviru­s-linked deaths — which is more than in the prior four months combined.

With that context, the medical workers’ letter asked the state’s leaders to intervene now, before the second wave of the pandemic gets even worse.

“Based on what we know about the epidemiolo­gy of COVID-19, we are confident that a decision to close indoor dining and gyms and ban all other unnecessar­y public gatherings would protect our citizens from this lethal disease, keep our hospitals and caregivers from becoming overwhelme­d, and save lives,” the letter reads.

Lamont has so far shown no sign of shuttering indoor dining or closing gyms — even as some public officials, including in the states of

Michigan and Washington and the cities of Philadelph­ia and San Francisco have taken those steps.

Lamont has capped gatherings at a maximum of 10 people, although he’s said he doesn’t plan on banning all socializat­ion outside of households, as Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo has temporaril­y done.

Dr. Luke Davis, who spearheade­d the Nov. 24 letter, said he believes it’s time for Connecticu­t

officials to do more.

“Weknowit’s going to be a long few months, and so we think it’s time to contract a little bit,” he said.

Davis — a clinician at Yale New Haven Hospital and an epidemiolo­gist at Yale’s School of Public Health — added that the pending COVID-19 vaccines offer a light at the end of the tunnel. But while the federal government may begin distributi­ng a vaccine as early as December, the distributi­on and administra­tion process is expected to take months.

During those months, people will continue to die of COVID-19.

“We just don’t want people to be the last casualties of a war that we think we’re going to win,” Davis said.

He said the letter to the governor focused on indoor dining, gyms and gatherings because medical profession­als see those three areas as particular­ly prone to spreading the virus. That’s because indoor dining cannot be done while wearing masks, because gymgoers breathe much more heavily while working out and because the holidays are likely to spur many more social gatherings.

“As critical care physicians, having seen a lot of this, we really believe in the precaution­ary principle,” he said.

And the state’s coronaviru­s outbreak is already taxing the hospitals.

The Yale New Haven Health system recently said that 80% of its intensive care capacity was full, according to Associated Press. And on Friday, the state reported that 1,017 people were hospitaliz­ed with the virus. The number of hospitaliz­ations is expected to keep rising for at least several more weeks.

“We’re running out of room, basically,” Davis said. And “our ICU numbers are just going to continue to go up.”

Beyond physical space, Davis said he worries about the quality of care that patients will receive as medical workers are stretched thinner and thinner, and as workers are assigned to duties outside of their usual specialty.

“I think we’ve all tried to be patient,” Davis said. “But just given the way the epidemiolo­gy has evolved, we feel like there’s an opportunit­y to intervene in these specific areas and hopefully prevent a further rise in cases.”

After Davis sent the initial letter to the governor, seven additional medical workers signed on, for a total of 43 signatures. On Friday, three days after sending the letter, Davis also started an online petition with the same message — as of Sunday evening, 166 people had signed the petition.

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