Hartford Courant

Cultural progressiv­ism a reaction to Trump

- Ross Douthat Douthat is a columnist for The New York Times.

The latest transfixin­g document for our time is a public relations video for the CIA. It features an unidentifi­ed 36-yearold Latina officer who speaks of her ascent through the ranks of the company in a hybrid language, partly the traditiona­l American narrative of immigrant success, partly something more contempora­ry and ideologica­l: “I’m a woman of color. … I’m a cisgender millennial who’s been diagnosed with generalize­d anxiety disorder. I am intersecti­onal, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise. … I refuse to internaliz­e misguided patriarcha­l ideas of what a woman can or should be.”

Thus is a career in service to the American imperium, at an institutio­n dedicated to spycraft, drone strikes and the occasional coup d’etat, now packaged as the fulfillmen­t of a certain kind of cultural leftism and sold with buzzwords that almost nobody outside the academy would have recognized in the first term of Barack Obama.

Whatever this change ultimately means for left-wing politics — the death of the anti-war left? the completion of progressiv­ism’s march through the institutio­ns? just the usual CIA tricks? — it’s pretty remarkable to watch.

Recently, I wrote about the political challenges that the rise of so-called wokeness poses for the Democratic Party: the surmountab­le challenge created by its academic style of rhetoric, and the more substantia­l challenge should the new progressiv­ism preside over policy disasters in the cities where it rules.

But it would take more than just an electoral setback to reverse the ideologica­l shifts that have given us the intersecti­onal, anti-patriarcha­l, cisgender-and-all-genders CIA video. Indeed, the striking thing about the new progressiv­ism’s advance is that it was seemingly accelerate­d by electoral defeat — the shocking defeat of 2016, specifical­ly, which by making Donald Trump president made a progressiv­e revolution possible.

Or at least that’s the implicatio­n of an analysis that made the rounds a little while after the “woke CIA” ad first appeared, in which Richard Hanania, who runs the Center for the Study of Partisansh­ip and Ideology, tried to explain why “everything” — meaning institutio­ns that used to be seen as neutral or conservati­ve, from corporate America to the intelligen­ce bureaucrac­y — has recently become so much more progressiv­e in positionin­g and rhetoric.

Hanania argues that it’s not simply that the millennial­s and Gen Z are more liberal, or that the Democrats are the profession­al-class party and so liberalism dominates the profession­al spheres. These tilts are real, but there are still enough conservati­ve-leaning consumers, enough young and wealthy and well-educated Republican­s, to create incentives for institutio­ns to be apolitical or politicall­y neutral.

The key difference, he argues, isn’t sheer numbers but engagement, intensity and zeal. Liberals lately seem to just care a lot more about politics: They donate more, they protest more, they agitate more, in ways that change the incentives for public-facing institutio­ns. Some of these gaps are longstandi­ng, but others have opened only recently, with 2016 as the crucial turning point. That was the year when “the mobilizati­on gap exploded,” creating irresistib­le pressure “from both within and outside corporatio­ns for them to take a stand on almost all hot-button issues.”

Why 2016? Well, probably because of Trump: In Hanania’s data, his nomination and election looks like the great accelerant, with anti-Trump backlash driving liberal hyper-investment in politics to new heights, enabling progressiv­es to achieve “true mass mobilizati­on in a way conservati­ves never have in the modern era.” That mobilizati­on has consolidat­ed progressiv­e norms in almost every institutio­n susceptibl­e to pressure from activists (or activist-employees), and it’s pulled the entire American establishm­ent leftward, so that conservati­ves are suddenly at war with Major League Baseball and Coca-Cola instead of just Harvard and the Ford Foundation, and the custodians of the national security state are eager to prove their enlightenm­ent by speaking in the argot of the academic left.

To some extent this is an obvious point to anyone who watched the Trump era unfold, but, as a Trump-skeptical conservati­ve, I like the sharpened emphasis in Hanania’s analysis because it seems to vindicate a point I made: that the many conservati­ves who hoped to find in Trump a bulwark against progressiv­ism were fundamenta­lly deceived.

Instead, his administra­tion’s mix of haplessnes­s and menace was a great gift to progressiv­ism, inspiring an anti-conservati­ve reaction that extended through every walk of elite life, turning centrists into liberals and remaking liberalism into exactly the kind of progressiv­e orthodoxy that conservati­ves most fear. Republican­s got control of the Supreme Court out of the bargain, but in almost every other institutio­n that matters, from Langley to the corporate boardroom, their position got much worse.

And yet I also wonder if this narrative is a little bit too pat in its anti-Trumpism, and if it gives too little credit to the specific ideas currently showing up in CIA public-relations videos. That the rise of wokeness was accelerate­d by Trump I have no doubt. But if you look at public opinion data, the liberal shift leftward, on social issues and especially race, begins midway through Obama’s second term, meaning that when Trump kicked off his campaign the Great Awokening was already taking shape.

So if the consolidat­ion of the new progressiv­ism was Trump-driven, its original appeal was not. Instead, you need to analyze that appeal on its own terms. Just as the reactionar­y turn among conservati­ves is understand­able given the loss of things that the right was supposed to be conserving, the new progressiv­ism is understand­able as a response to previous trends in elite liberalism, to failures and successes both.

Thus the zeal of the new anti-racism is a response to the longstandi­ng failure of liberal policymaki­ng to actually close racial gaps. The moralism of #MeToo feminism, the desire to rethink or redefine the contours of consent, reflects a sense that in championin­g sexual individual­ism liberalism had ended up enabling predation. The spirituali­zing side of wokeness, from the martyrolog­y of police-shooting victims to the confession­s of privilege and the zealous witch hunts, seems like an attempt to restore a sense of the sacred that a secularize­d liberalism sorely lacks. And the progressiv­e skepticism of old-fashioned liberal appeals to free speech and free debate, the sense that certain arguments (whether on immigratio­n, race or gender identity) should be simply ended once an activist consensus is establishe­d, seems to treat the swift and sweeping success of the movement for same-sex marriage as a model for how to win on more controvert­ed issues.

In many of these impulses, but especially the last one, there’s an embedded promise that progressiv­e change can happen as a kind of moral awakening within elite institutio­ns rather than through any kind of dramatic revolt against them. (Neither Harvard nor Coca-Cola nor the CIA had to give up anything when Obergefell v. Hodges was handed down.) Which explains, in turn, why this cluster of ideas has advanced so fast within the key precincts of American power. Even though the new progressiv­ism takes a dire view of our great institutio­ns’ history, it also seems to promise that those same institutio­ns can endure unchalleng­ed in their power, if only they confess, repent and convert — and recruit their new members more intersecti­onally than before.

The tension between this institutio­nalism and the promised radical change may eventually be the new progressiv­ism’s undoing. (Can Ibram X. Kendi permanentl­y sustain his radical chic while being an academic recipient of Silicon Valley largess?)

For now, the story Hanania tells shouldn’t be seen as just a story of Trumpism radicalizi­ng liberalism, as important as that story is. When an ideology carries all before it so successful­ly that the CIA decides it’s time to start cribbing from its script, even its enemies should acknowledg­e that it’s winning, in some sense, on the merits: not just from good fortune or from backlash, but because its gospel persuades people to convert.

 ?? ANDREWHARN­IK/AP2017 ?? A new public relations video for the CIA appears“packaged as the fulfillmen­t of a certain kind of cultural leftism.”
ANDREWHARN­IK/AP2017 A new public relations video for the CIA appears“packaged as the fulfillmen­t of a certain kind of cultural leftism.”
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