Hartford Courant

Ida deals new blow to La. schools

At least 169,000 kids out of class as crews work to clean up

- By Matt Sedensky

LULING, La. — Tara Williams’ three little boys run shirtless, because most of their clothes were swept away, and they stack milk crates beneath a blazing sun because their toys are all gone too. Their apartment is barely more than a door dangling from a frame, the roof obliterate­d, most everything in it lost.

A Ford Fusion is the family’s home now, and as if Hurricane Ida didn’t take enough, it has also put the boys’ education on hold.

“They’re ready to get inside, go to school, get some air conditioni­ng,” said 32-year-old Williams, who has twin 5-year-olds and a 7-year-old and is more pessimisti­c than officials about when they might be back in class. “The way it’s looking like now, it’s going to be next August.”

After a year and a half of pandemic disruption­s that drove children from schools and pulled down test scores, at least 169,000 Louisiana children are out of class again, their studies derailed by the storm. The hurricane followed a rocky reopening in August that led to more COVID-19 infections and classroom closures, and now it will be weeks before some students go back again.

“How concerned am I? If you pick up a thesaurus, whatever’s the word for ‘most concerned,’ ” said Jarod Martin, superinten­dent of schools in the hard-hit Lafourche Parish, southwest of New Orleans.

“We were brimming with optimism and confident that we were going to defeat COVID, confident we were on a better path. And now we’ve got another setback.”

Williams was working at Mcdonald’s until COVID19 cutbacks claimed her job. The family rode out the storm in their apartment as it disintegra­ted around them, then drove to Florida, where they found a hotel room, which they could afford for only a few days.

The streets around them are dotted with gutted trailers, peeled roofs and mounds of debris, and every mention of the Federal Emergency Management

Agency seems to be preceded by a colorfully profane adjective. School would be nice for the boys, Williams says, but right now, they don’t even have a home.

A couple of miles away, at the boys’ school, Luling Elementary, crews are cleaning up fallen trees, and piping from giant dehumidifi­ers snakes through windows. Shantele Slade, a 42-year-old youth pastor, is among those at work, but her own children an hour away in Amite are on her mind. The pandemic had already taken its toll on her 14-year-old son, who had to go to summer school because he’d fallen behind

while learning virtually. Now she’s worried that he will have trouble keeping up with algebra after so many days of absence.

“The last two years have already been so hard on them,” she said.

Though many children spent most or all of last school year back in class, some children remained in virtual programs and arrived back in class last month for the first time since the shutdowns began. The return did not go smoothly, with nearly 7,000 infections of students and teachers reported in the opening weeks.

The latest state standardiz­ed test scores, released in

August, showed a 5% drop in proficienc­y among students across Louisiana, blamed largely on disruption­s from COVID-19. Younger and poorer children fared worst, as did members of minority groups and those with English as a second language.

The state’s education superinten­dent, Cade Brumley, acknowledg­ed that students “did lose a little bit” and that Ida dealt another blow. A quarter-million students’ schools remained shuttered Friday, but classes for 81,000 children were to reopen Monday, according to the education department. Brumley said the rest would likely be back in a matter of weeks.

“We need to get those kids back with us as soon as we possibly can,” he said.

But in the most devastated areas, returning to class requires not only schools to be repaired or temporary classrooms to be set up, but for students and staff scattered around the country to come back to Louisiana. That means they must have homes with electricit­y and running water. Buses also have to run, and cafeterias must be stocked with food and people to serve it.

When students do finally arrive, they will bear memories of howling winds and cratered houses, of weeks spent in faraway places or without a home, of favorite toys and familiar comforts taken away. It amounts to trauma for many, even if their homes did survive, and it’s compounded by pandemic anxiety.

Ashana Bigard, a 46-yearold New Orleans activist and mother of two, worries schools will be so wrapped up in academic catch-up that they won’t do enough to address those lingering scars. She remains worried about her children being infected with COVID-19 in school and expects her kids will get “the same subpar education” they were getting before the pandemic. But she’s prepared to accept that as long as their emotional needs are met.

“Dead children can’t learn, and children who are broken emotionall­y and mentally cannot do good on your test. I want my children alive and happy. I’d rather that and have them five grades behind,” she said. “Their education deficits I can deal with.”

 ?? MATT SEDENSKY/AP ?? Christoper Williams, 5, and his two brothers are out of school after Hurricane Ida left schools shuttered.
MATT SEDENSKY/AP Christoper Williams, 5, and his two brothers are out of school after Hurricane Ida left schools shuttered.

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