Hartford Courant

Poll reveals Americans have little trust in online security

- By Matt O’brien

Most Americans don’t believe their personal informatio­n is secure online and aren’t satisfied with the federal government’s efforts to protect it, according to a poll.

The poll by Associated PRESS-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and Meritalk shows that 64% of Americans say their social media activity is not very or not at all secure. About as many have the same security doubts about online informatio­n revealing their physical location. Half of Americans believe their private text conversati­ons lack security.

And they’re not just concerned. They want something done about it. Nearly three-quarters of Americans say they support establishi­ng national standards for how companies can collect, process and share personal data.

“What is surprising to me is that there is a great deal of support for more government action to protect data privacy,” said Jennifer Benz, deputy director of the AP-NORC Center. “And it’s bipartisan support.”

But after years of stalled efforts toward stricter data privacy laws that could hold big companies accountabl­e for all the personal data they collect and share, the poll also indicates that Americans don’t have much trust in the government to fix it.

A majority, 56%, puts more faith in the private sector than the federal government to handle security and privacy improvemen­ts, despite years of highly publicized privacy scandals and hacks of U.S. corporatio­ns from Target to Equifax that exposed the personal informatio­n of millions of people around the world.

Indeed, companies such as Apple have made a big push to pitch themselves as attuned to consumer privacy preference­s and committed to protect them.

“I feel there is little to no security whatsoever,” said Sarah Blick, a professor of medieval art history at Kenyon College in Ohio. The college’s human resources department told Blick earlier this year that someone fraudulent­ly applied for unemployme­nt insurance benefits in her name.

Such fraud has spiked since the pandemic as perpetrato­rs buy stolen personal identifyin­g informatio­n on the dark web and use it to flood state unemployme­nt systems with bogus claims.

“I believe my informatio­n was stolen when one of the credit bureaus was hacked, but it also could have been when Target was hacked or any other of the several successful hacks into major corporatio­ns,” Blick said.

About 71% of Americans believe that individual­s’ data privacy should be treated as a national security issue, with a similar level of support among Democrats and Republican­s.

But only 23% are very or somewhat satisfied in the federal government’s current efforts to protect Americans’ privacy and secure their personal data online.

“This is not a partisan issue,” said Colorado state Rep. Terri Carver, a Republican who co-sponsored a consumer data privacy bill signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jared Polis in July. It takes effect in 2023.

The legislatio­n, which met opposition from Facebook and other companies, follows similar measures enacted in California and Virginia that give people the right to access and delete personal informatio­n. Colorado’s also enables people to opt out of having their data tracked, profiled and sold.

“That was certainly one of the pieces where we got the strongest pushback but we felt it was so important,” Carver said.

Carver said it took several years to get the law passed, and advocates had to abandon some priorities, such as the idea of enabling people to opt in if they want to allow processing of their personal data — instead of making them opt out. She hopes the efforts by Colorado and other states push Congress to set nationwide protection­s.

 ?? JENNY KANE/AP 2019 ?? According to a poll, most Americans don’t believe their personal informatio­n is secure online and aren’t satisfied with the government’s efforts to protect it.
JENNY KANE/AP 2019 According to a poll, most Americans don’t believe their personal informatio­n is secure online and aren’t satisfied with the government’s efforts to protect it.

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