Hartford Courant

Schools canceling classes on Fridays

Some parents upset, but educators cite burnout, shortages

- By Giulia Heyward

DETROIT — Caitlin Reynolds, a single mother, was happy that her son, L.J., was finally settled into fourth grade after a rocky experience last year with remote learning.

Then, on Nov. 17, an announceme­nt: Detroit public schools would close its classrooms every Friday in December. There would be virtual school only.

Two days later came a follow-up announceme­nt: School was also canceled starting that Monday, for the entire week of Thanksgivi­ng. This time, there would be no online option.

“You need to take the kids back out again?” Reynolds said. “How is that not going to be harmful to these students?”

After a few months of relative calm, some public schools are going remote — or canceling classes entirely — for a day a week, or even for a couple of weeks, because of teacher burnout or staff shortages.

At least six other school districts in Michigan extended Thanksgivi­ng break, and three districts in Washington state, including Seattle Public Schools, closed Nov. 12, the day after Veterans Day.

In one instance, Brevard Public Schools in Florida used leftover “hurricane days” to close schools for the week of Thanksgivi­ng.

In Utah, the Canyons School District announced that all of its schools would go remote one Friday a month from November until March, equivalent to more than week of school.

A few of these districts have closed with little notice, sending parents scrambling to find child care, as well as summon the wherewitha­l to supervise remote learning. Beyond the logistics, many parents are worried that with additional lost days of in-person school, their children will fall further behind.

School districts cited various reasons for the temporary closings, from a rise in COVID-19 cases to a need to thoroughly sanitize classrooms. But for many schools, the remote learning days — an option that did not exist before the pandemic — are a last-ditch effort to keep teachers from resigning. They are burned out, educators said, after a year of trying to help students through learning loss, and working overtime to make up for labor shortages.

Battles in the classroom — from mask mandates to debates over critical race theory — have also taken a toll, said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, the country’s second-biggest teachers’ union.

“What you hear from teachers is that it’s been too much,” she said. “And they’re trying the best that they can.”

These temporary closures, though, may only hamper relationsh­ips with parents at a moment when tensions in many districts are already high.

Because of school cancellati­ons last academic year, Reynolds, who works at a University of Michigan research lab, had already run out of paid time off. Her mother was able to watch her fourth-grade son last Friday. But now she is scrambling to make sure someone else can be home with him every Friday this month — or lose hundreds of dollars from her paycheck.

School fights and other outbursts from students led district leaders at Reynolds Middle School, in Fairview, Oregon, just east of Portland, to cancel classes from Nov. 18 through Dec. 7. They gave parents two days’ notice.

“Are you kidding me?” said Missy Kisselman, the mother of Sophia, an eighth grader there. “I mean, are you kidding me?”

Kisselman, who is working out of her living room as a county case manager, said it was “nearly impossible” for her to help Sophia, who has attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder, with her schoolwork.

“I feel like, if this school knew that they were already understaff­ed starting this school year, it should have just stayed online,” Kisselman said.

Steven Padilla, a district spokespers­on, said the school was using this time to reflect on its safety protocols to “ensure that we will not have to return to shortterm distance learning” in the future.

In Portland, Oregon, the teachers’ union is proposing early-release days for high-schoolers after they return from winter break.

Elizabeth Thiel, president of the Portland Associatio­n of Teachers, says her union is receiving an “alarming” number of inquires from teachers asking for help resigning. If the union can figure out a plan now, she says, that may help avoid mass resignatio­ns, which would force schools to go entirely remote.

“It is far better for our students and families to be able to plan on an inconvenie­nce like that, than it would be for the whole system to stop functionin­g,” Thiel said.

Research shows that disruption­s during the pandemic led to students falling behind in math and reading, and students who were most affected by the crisis were already behind. Reynolds, the single mother from Detroit, said her son, once a straight-a math student, tested two grade levels behind when he returned to the classroom this year.

Last Friday, Theo Eggebrecht, 17, a senior in the arts track at Cass Technical High School in Detroit, did not have any at-home supplies for two of his arts classes that day. He said his science teacher did not show up for online class. Instead, he spent several hours doing chores, petting his cat and scrolling through Tiktok.

“I’m a senior, this is one of my last years of education,” he said. “It’s nerve-wracking to miss out on that.”

 ?? NIC ANTAYA/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Caitlin Reynolds and her son, L.J., at home Nov. 30 in Royal Oak, Mich. She is out of paid time off as schools close temporaril­y.
NIC ANTAYA/THE NEW YORK TIMES Caitlin Reynolds and her son, L.J., at home Nov. 30 in Royal Oak, Mich. She is out of paid time off as schools close temporaril­y.

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