Hartford Courant

Governors lose taste for mandates

More states leaving it up to public to police themselves

- By Jeffrey Collins

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Governors took sweeping actions during earlier surges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many closed schools and ordered businesses shut down. They issued mask mandates, vaccine requiremen­ts and even quarantine­s in some places for people who had traveled to out-ofstate hot spots.

Not this time, even as the exponentia­l spread of the super-contagious omicron variant shatters COVID-19 infection records. While governors are sending help to hospitals, they are displaying little appetite for widespread public orders or shutdowns.

Even Democratic governors who passed strict mandates early on are now relying more on persuasion than dictates. They largely are leaving it up to local officials to make the tough calls on decisions such as whether to limit capacity in restaurant­s and theaters or keep schools open.

South Carolina set a record for positive tests over the New Year’s weekend and COVID-19 hospitaliz­ations are up 67% from the week before. But Gov. Henry Mcmaster, a Republican, urged everyone to carry on as if everything’s fine. “If you get real sick, there will be room in the hospitals,” he promised last week.

“There’s no need to panic. Be calm. Be happy,” Mcmaster said. “We just had a great Christmas season. Business is booming.”

Mcmaster has consistent­ly urged people to get vaccinated and in the earliest days of the pandemic, he directed K-12 schools and colleges to move to distance learning. But students are back in classrooms across the state, and he continues to resist imposing any statewide business shutdowns.

California is grappling with an astonishin­g spike in infections, and the state health department extended an indoor mask mandate to Feb. 15, but the state’s Democratic leaders included no mechanism to enforce it. “I think a lot of people will self-enforce and do the right thing,” Gov. Gavin Newsom told reporters last month.

The sentiment seems familiar to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. The Republican announced a 30-day state of emergency to fight the omicron variant surge, but it doesn’t include the same statewide mask mandate ordered earlier in the pandemic.

“I’m not sure the people that are refusing to wear a mask are going to wear one anyway, and we don’t have the ability to enforce it,” Hogan said. “So we’re just strongly encouragin­g people to wear the damn mask.”

New Jersey has had the second-largest U.S. caseload during this surge, after New York, and Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy asked the legislatur­e to renew his emergency powers so he can continue a mask mandate in schools. But renewed business shutdowns and near universal mask mandates appear to be off the table, and instead of issuing new executive orders, he’s urging people to follow public health recommenda­tions.

Even governors who pushed the hardest for restrictio­ns during earlier outbreaks have settled on appealing for people to take personal responsibi­lity. Oregon removed its mask requiremen­t from outdoor crowds in November and hasn’t reinstated it. Schools and businesses remain open, and Democratic Gov. Kate Brown has urged booster shots as the best way to combat the virus.

Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine, a Republican, was one of the first to close schools in March 2020 as the virus began spreading rapidly through the U.S. But his desire to take aggressive measures has waned, and since the summer he has focused on voluntary mask wearing and vaccinatio­ns.

“We don’t have the practical ability to really put on a statewide mask order at this point,” Dewine said in late December. “I don’t think it’s appropriat­e at this point. We have the vaccine. We have the tools.”

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte, while listing his accomplish­ments during his first year in office last week, said that through previous COVID-19 surges there was little difference­s in case counts between states run by Republican­s that tended to take fewer precaution­s and those run by Democrats, which generally took stronger actions.

“Heavy-handed, one-sizefits-all mandates don’t work,” Gianforte said.

In North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper is still leaving it to local government­s to decide whether masks should be required in stores or government buildings rather than ordering them statewide, and encouragin­g but not requiring local school boards to retain mask mandates for students and staff.

Cooper has taken this tack even though the Republican-controlled legislatur­e has lacked veto-proof majorities necessary to overturn his previous statewide COVID-19 mandates.

“We’re going to have to learn how to live with it, and continue to keep our kids in school and our businesses open and all of our government operations running effectivel­y and efficientl­y,” Cooper said. Pandemic fatigue among the public has led Utah Gov. Spencer Cox to suggest COVID-19 and its variants could be treated more like the flu or any other contagious disease. The focus, he said, should be on reducing the effects of the illness through vaccines and medicines, not government mandates. On Thursday, he encouraged people to wear masks as cases hit record levels.

 ?? ALEXANDRA WIMLEY/PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE 2021 ?? Dr. Brooke Decker, left, argues with a woman about her opposition to a mask mandate in Mccandless, Pa.
ALEXANDRA WIMLEY/PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE 2021 Dr. Brooke Decker, left, argues with a woman about her opposition to a mask mandate in Mccandless, Pa.

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