Hartford Courant

Will America be able to withstand the reopening of the abortion debate?

- By Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden is a columnist, political strategist and host of independen­tly produced talk shows in French and English. Her website can be found at http://www.rachelmars­den. com.

With America facing deepening ideologica­l divisions and an erosion of confidence in their institutio­ns, last thing that anyone needs right now is the revival by one of those institutio­ns of the highly controvers­ial and divisive abortion debate that was settled half a century ago.

When something is taken away from a person, the reaction is typically much more violent than if the promise of acquiring something fails to be fulfilled. And taking a right away from women is exactly what the U.S. Supreme Court did June 24 in its decision to overturn the case of Roe v. Wade, which protected women’s right to abortion nationwide, effectivel­y allowing each state to set its own rules. And there’s already a hint that the erosion of acquired rights may not end there. In the written decision, Justice Clarence Thomas referred to other precedent-setting cases, like that which establishe­s the basis of the right to contracept­ion, as “demonstrab­ly erroneous” and said that the court has a “duty to ‘correct the error’ establishe­d in those precedents.”

That the conservati­ve justices of America’s highest court have used their powers to claw back highly personal, private medical freedoms of any kind for Americans is disturbing, particular­ly given that we’re now well into a new kind of dark age of state overreach into medical choices under the guise of security, with Covid-19-related jab mandates for access to basic freedom of movement and labor. During the COVID pandemic, the kind of decisions which used to be made strictly between a patient and their doctor based on a personaliz­ed risk-benefit assessment of a particular medical procedure — the ANTI-COVID jab, in this case — were instead dictated by the state and imposed under constraint or threat. Worse, to ensure compliance, the medical act was correlated with a dystopian, scannable Qr-code.

Conservati­ves are supposed to be in favor of free markets and limited government, yet allowing the state to insert itself into the relationsh­ip between a woman and her doctor is a gross violation of one of the most basic principles of freedom: that of agency over one’s own body. Couching a violation of this principle in “states rights,” as the court did by downloadin­g the debate onto each of the states, still results in a net erosion of rights as it’s unlikely that each state will choose to maintain the current status quo. Dressing up the judgment as the correction or rectificat­ion of the original Roe v. Wade ruling on the basis that it was technicall­y weak trivialize­s the lives of women.

The judgment also raises questions about the viability of its applicatio­n. The world has changed massively since the last time that abortion was illegal in the U.S., prior to 1973. Travel is easier and cheaper, while globalizat­ion has opened borders, including to medical tourism. Technology has facilitate­d global communicat­ion, activism, support, and access to informatio­n and research. The only way to be held accountabl­e for a procedure conducted outside of a jurisdicti­on that prohibits it for those residing within it would be through some kind of digital ID, the likes of which exists to trace COVID jab mandate compliance and is associated with our individual health records. Is this the kind of surveillan­ce state that conservati­ve justices responsibl­e for this 5-4 vote may have inadverten­tly unleashed?

As conservati­ves, one would think that the justices of the majority would have also understood the power of what’s still left of the free market. Companies like Microsoft, Disney, Uber, Jpmorgan Chase, Alaska Airlines, Nike, Goldman Sachs, and various others will cover travel expenses for medical procedures, including abortion services, under their health plans, according to CNN. If the impetus behind the judgment was to block access, history has already shown that this has never proven effective in practice.

But perhaps the most widespread unintended impact of the decision will be on the already dire American political climate. Clashes between pro-choice and anti-choice movements will add yet another layer of division atop pre-existing and ever-growing ideologica­l standoffs between Democrats and Republican­s or between pro-establishm­ent globalists and anti-establishm­ent populists. This unrest will add to already skyrocketi­ng inflation impacting everyday living costs, a protracted armed conflict in Ukraine costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars in weapons, untamed globalizat­ion, and the fallout from the COVID pandemic.

The harm to America of reopening the abortion debate is unmeasurab­le as it contribute­s to a further breakdown of social cohesion whose losses aren’t easily quantifiab­le. What’s certain is that as elected officials split along party lines to defend their team in the abortion debate, each side risks alienating American voters even more than it already has. And now add to the mix the resentment from the female half of the population, whose rights neither party could bother to enshrine into law before they were once again dragged back out and treated like pawns on the political chessboard by a branch of the establishm­ent.

 ?? ERIN SCHAFF/AP ?? Members of the Supreme Court assemble April 23, 2021. Seated from left are Associate Justice Samuel Alito, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, then-associate Justice Stephen Breyer and Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Standing from left are Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
ERIN SCHAFF/AP Members of the Supreme Court assemble April 23, 2021. Seated from left are Associate Justice Samuel Alito, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John Roberts, then-associate Justice Stephen Breyer and Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Standing from left are Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Associate Justice Elena Kagan, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

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