Hartford Courant

Pushing for change via convention

Conservati­ve effort to alter Constituti­on focuses on primaries

- By Nicholas Riccardi

DENVER — The flyers piled up in mailboxes in central South Dakota like snow during a high-plains blizzard: “Transgende­r Sex Education in Schools?” one asked. “Vote Against Sex Ed Radical Mary Duvall for State Senate.”

The mailers were part of a $58,000 campaign against the five-term Republican lawmaker, an enormous sum of money in a place where the cost of running for a statehouse seat is typically in the low five figures. Despite the subject of the attack ads, Duvall was targeted not for her stance on sex education but for her opposition to a long shot bid by some conservati­ves to force a convention to amend the U.S. Constituti­on.

“I knew they were angry at me, but I had no idea this was going to be coming during my primary campaign,” said Duvall, wholost her race by 176 votes.

Duvall opposed legislatio­n that would have added South Dakota to 19 other states calling for a gathering known as a convention of states, following a plan mapped out by a conservati­ve group that wants to change parts of the United States’ foundation­al document. When that number hits two-thirds of the states — or 34 — under the procedure laid out in the Constituti­on, a convention would meet with the power to amend the 235-year-old document.

The campaign against Duvall was part of a more than $600,000 push in at least five states earlier this year by the group Convention of States Action and its affiliates in Republican primaries to elect sympatheti­c lawmakers who could add more states to its column. Muchof the money comes from groups that do not have to disclose their donors, masking the identity of who is funding the push to change the Constituti­on.

The track record of the convention group’s spending is spotty. In South Dakota, where the group and its affiliates spent more than $200,000 targeting four state Senate seats, Duvall was the only one of its targets to lose. And the challenger who beat her, Jim Mehlhaff, said that he thinks the group’s interventi­on hurt him.

“I didn’t appreciate the negative tone of their mailers. It probably cost mesome votes,” said Mehlhaff, a former member of Pierre’s city commission who had his own base of support in the district before the interventi­on of Convention of States.

Supporters of a convention argue it’s the best way to amend the Constituti­on — especially to take power from Congress, which has to approve by a two-thirds vote any proposed amendments that don’t come from a convention. Still, no amendments have been implemente­d through a convention since the Constituti­on was ratified in 1788.

Backers argue that any amendments that emerge from the convention would have to be approved by even more states than required to call it — three-quarters, or 38 of them — ensuring that the only changes would be measures with broad support. The GOP would have the upper hand in that venue, though, as it controls the legislatur­es in 30 states.

One liberal group is pushing for a convention to change campaign finance laws that has won backing in four states, while another effort by conservati­ves seeks one to impose a balanced budget amendment. The Convention of States group is more vague on its goals, stating that it seeks a gathering that could pass amendments only to “limit the power and jurisdicti­on of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

That alarms many Democrats, who see the push as a partisan effort to write conservati­ve goals into the Constituti­on. But several conservati­ves have also balked, fearing a convention could open the document to changes they wouldn’t favor, such as on gun control or campaign spending.

“Lots of things can happen that we can’t predict” if there’s a constituti­onal convention, said Walter Olson, a senior fellow at the conservati­ve Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. “A lot of Republican­s are temperamen­tally conservati­ve and don’t like taking large leaps into the unknown, and they are going to be seen as dragging their heels.”

The convention group has won some successes lately. But it has been stymied in some solidly conservati­ve states such as South Dakota, whose state Senate has repeatedly voted down resolution­s for a convention.

Duvall said that’s because Gopvoters there don’t want a constituti­onal rewrite.

“The majority of my constituen­ts I’ve talked to say ‘No, this is a bad idea and dangerous,’ ” Duvall said.

Robert Natelson, a retired law professor who formerly served as an adviser to Convention of States Action, said that’s a result of fearmonger­ing. He has researched historical convention­s of states and said they have clear procedures and limitation­s. They have occurred throughout the country’s history with varied records of accomplish­ment, on subjects ranging from the War of 1812 to how certain Western states would share water from the Colorado River.

“This was a process designed for the people to use,” Natelson said. “If you think everything’s going well, if you’re part of the 15% of the population that has a favorable view of Congress, then you don’t want a convention.”

The movement is using money to combat skepticism. Convention of States Action and its affiliated foundation reported raising more than $10 million in 2020, according to IRS documents. As nonprofits, the organizati­ons do not need to disclose most of their donors.

The Convention of States’ recent spending came through multiple newly created political groups that steered campaign money around the country, largely shielding donors from disclosure.

“They have gone out of their way to set up a web of dark money groups to obscure where the money is coming from and evade reporting requiremen­ts,” said Arn Pearson, executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy, which filed complaints with authoritie­s in Arizona and Montana against the network’s campaign apparatus.

A group it formed in Idaho reported spending more than $100,000 before the state’s May 17 primary, including more than $75,000 against state Rep. Judy Boyle, a conservati­ve who co-wrote a newspaper column with a liberal lawmaker about why a convention of states was a bad idea.

A seven-term lawmaker, Boyle said she’d been warned the group would target her and said their radio ads falsely claimed the local right-to-life group endorsed her opponent.

“I knew then that the group believes the ends justify the means and they would go to any length to smear me, which they did,” Boyle said via text message. She won her election by six votes.

 ?? JEFFREY COLLINS/AP ?? Supporters of a proposal to put South Carolina among states calling for a U.S. constituti­onal convention to consider term limits and a balanced budget requiremen­t gather to watch the state Senate debate March 8 in Columbia, S.C.
JEFFREY COLLINS/AP Supporters of a proposal to put South Carolina among states calling for a U.S. constituti­onal convention to consider term limits and a balanced budget requiremen­t gather to watch the state Senate debate March 8 in Columbia, S.C.

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