Hartford Courant

It’s time to be civil


There’s so much tension in the air these days. Will we devolve into another Civil

War or find a middle road? We’re a diverse nation with diverse philosophi­es about what government should do.

The first responsibi­lity of a government is to keep its citizens safe. Is this happening today in America?

I am not a victim of anything but my own choices. I have the power to change my future. Many people want to ascribe their circumstan­ces to anything but their own choices. Personal responsibi­lity is unacceptab­le to them, but it is the hallmark of an adult. It is my choice how I react. God gave us free will.

Dealing with unresolved hurt and restlessne­ss and funneling that into politics makes a very angry person. It’s not the left that makes people angry and emotional, it’s emotional and angry people that gravitate toward the left. So, a false narrative gets them angry and when confronted with facts they get even more angry. Can they defend their position with specific facts?

Without researchin­g what you believe, there’s a good chance you don’t completely know what you’re talking about. Think critically and don’t lazily indulge in group think.

Of course, the right also needs to become more adult in political conversati­ons. We may do some good if we remain open to listening and keep a civil attitude.

Just because someone has different values does not make them evil. They may be uninformed, but they are still fellow Americans. Friends, family, and neighbors should be gently educated a civil manner.

Political bills have very nice, deceiving titles that sound honorable. The devil is in the details. Research at www.senate.gov and www.govinfo.gov.

If enough of us become responsibl­e adults we can circumvent another Civil War.

Bryan Hermansdor­fer, Danbury

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