Hartford Courant

Bidding Quiz


You are dealer and open One Heart. Partner responds One Spade. What would you bid now with each of the following five hands?

1. ♠ AK52 ♥ AKJ73 ♦ K6 ♣ 82

2. ♠ Q3 ♥ AQ764 ♦ 1083 ♣ KQ5

3. ♠ 84 ♥ KQ942 ♦ AJ ♣ KQ92

4. ♠ 962 ♥ AKJ983 ♦ K7 ♣ AJ

5. ♠ 107 ♥ AQJ53 ♦ AQJ ♣ AJ9


1. Four spades. You have 18 high-card points plus a trump fit, which allows you to take two more points for your two doubletons. This gives you enough points in the combined hands for game even if partner has only six points.

The simplest way to get to four spades is to bid it directly, indicating approximat­ely 20 points in support of spades. A jumpraise to three spades would be inadequate, since it would invite, but not compel, partner to bid again. The jump to four spades is not a “shutout” bid; rather, it encourages partner to try for slam if his hand warrants it.

2. One notrump. This shows a balanced hand of the minimum class, which is exactly what you have. Bidding one notrump without an actual diamond stopper is much better than rebidding two hearts with such a skimpy suit.

3. Two clubs. Hands with 5-4-2-2 distributi­on usually play better in a suit, so it is best to show your clubs at this point. The two-club bid is not forcing; partner can pass with a weak hand containing better support for clubs than hearts.

4. Three hearts. The jump to three hearts indicates 16 to 18 points and a strong six-card or longer heart suit. Partner is not required to bid again but should not pass with eight or more points. Your hand is not worth more than an invitation to game, as 10 tricks would be very unlikely if partner has only six or seven points.

5. Three notrump. Once partner is credited with at least six points for his spade response, you really can’t stop in less than game. The only problem is how best to describe the size and shape of your hand.

Three notrump fills the bill perfectly. It indicates about 19 or 20 points, balanced distributi­on and strength in the unbid suits. At the same time, it lays the foundation for a slam if partner feels there might be one opposite the type of hand you have described.

Tomorrow: Battle of the sexes.

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