Hartford Courant

A not so tough fix for our presidenti­al elections

- Robert Reich Robert Reich, former U.S. secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of “The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.” Read more from Robert Reich at https://robertreic­h. substack

I don’t know about you, but I look at the next 20 months leading up to the 2024 presidenti­al election with some dread. That’s not because I’m especially worried Donald Trump or Ron Desantis or someone equally horrific will be elected. I’m dreading the next 20 months because the entire process of selecting our president has become so fraught, divisive and arbitrary that it threatens the foundation of our democracy.

So today I want to share with you a little political hope — not my mother’s “all things will work out fine in the end” fantasy, but something doable and practical that could even have a positive effect on next year’s presidenti­al election.

A bit of background: About

80% of us have effectivel­y become bystanders in presidenti­al elections. That’s because most of us live in states so predictabl­y Democratic or Republican that we’re taken for granted by candidates. Presidenti­al elections now turn on the dwindling number of “swing” states that could go either way, which gives voters in these states huge leverage.

In 2020, Biden owed his Electoral College victory to just 43,809 votes spread over Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin. In 2016, Trump owed his Electoral College victory to 77,744 votes spread across Wisconsin, Pennsylvan­ia and Michigan.

Contrast these slim margins with the results of the national popular vote. In the last five elections, candidates who received the most popular votes nationwide led their opponents by an average of 4.6 million votes — more than 100 times that of the

razor-thin battlegrou­nd wins.

The current state-by-state, winner-take-all Electoral College system of electing presidents is creating ever-closer contests in an ever-smaller number of closely divided states for elections that aren’t really that close.

These razor-thin battlegrou­nd margins also invite post-election recounts, audits and lawsuits — even attempted coups. A losing candidate might be able to overturn 43,809 votes with these techniques. On the other hand, overturnin­g 4.6 million votes would be a nearly impossible task.

As such, the Electoral College system combined with the dwindling number of battlegrou­nds presents a growing threat to the peaceful transition of power.

And it’s become more and more likely that candidates are elected president without winning the

most votes nationwide. It’s already happened twice this century.

The Electoral College is an anachronis­m that should be abolished. But that would require a constituti­onal amendment, which is almost impossible to pull off — requiring a two-thirds vote by the House and Senate plus approval by three-fourths of state legislatur­es.

There’s an alternativ­e. We can make the Electoral College irrelevant by getting our states to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Don’t let that mouthful put you off. It could save our democracy. The Compact will guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes nationwide without a constituti­onal amendment.

How does it work?

As you know, the Constituti­on assigns each state a number of

electors based on its population (that is, the number of its representa­tives in the House plus two senators). The total number of electors is 538. So anyone who gets 270 electoral votes becomes president.

Article 2 of the Constituti­on allows states to award their electors any way they want.

So all that’s needed is for states with a total of at least 270 electoral votes to agree to award all their electoral votes to the presidenti­al candidate who wins the national popular vote.

If they do that, the winner of the popular vote would automatica­lly get the 270 Electoral College votes needed to be president.

The movement to make this a reality is already underway. So far, 15 states and the District of Columbia have joined the Compact — agreeing that once enough states join, all their electoral votes will go to the popular vote winner.

The current members of the Compact have 196 electoral votes among them. So if a few additional states comprising 74 electors join — agreeing to award all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote — it’s done.

Popular vote laws have recently been introduced in Michigan (with 15 electors) and Minnesota (with 10), which would bring the total to 221.

Naturally, this plan will face legal challenges. Many powerful interests stand to benefit by keeping the outdated Electoral College in place.

But if we keep up the fight and get enough states on board to reach 270 electors and withstand the predictabl­e legal challenges, America will never again elect a president who loses the national popular vote. No longer will

80% of us be effectivel­y disenfranc­hised from presidenti­al campaigns. No longer will a handful of votes in “battlegrou­nd” states determine the winner — inviting recounts, audits, litigation and attempted coups that threaten our democracy.

If you want to know more or get involved, read about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact at https://www. nationalpo­pularvote.com. If you agree with me about the importance of this initiative but your state has not yet joined up, please contact your state senators and reps and urge them to get on board.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/AP ?? President Joe Biden greets Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his wife, Rosangela da Silva, at the White House on Feb. 10. Last month, supporters of Lula’s election rival stormed the Brazilian capital.
SUSAN WALSH/AP President Joe Biden greets Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his wife, Rosangela da Silva, at the White House on Feb. 10. Last month, supporters of Lula’s election rival stormed the Brazilian capital.
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