Hartford Courant

CDC must rebuild public trust above all

- By Faye Flam

COVID-19 was already spreading widely around the world in February and early March of 2020 — well before many Americans had gotten the message that the disease was something to take seriously. Now The New York Times has reported that staffers at the disease intelligen­ce service at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were pressured by the Trump administra­tion to keep silent about what they knew: that COVID was being spread quietly by asymptomat­ic carriers.

These allegation­s go to the heart of the challenge facing public health officials today: Many people no longer trust them to give fact-based, unbiased, nonpolitic­ized advice. Earlier this month, a survey of over 4,000 Americans led by Harvard researcher­s and published in the journal Health Affairs showed that only 37% said they still had a great deal of trust in CDC. The rest answered that they either trusted CDC somewhat, not very much, or not at all, and among those, 74% cited political influence on the agency’s recommenda­tions and policies.

These numbers show how far the agency has to go to rebuild trust — something that will be even harder than reorganizi­ng the agency, as director Rochelle Walensky has been doing.

To understand the scale of the challenge at the CDC, we need to go back to early 2020. Back then, scientists were already putting the major pieces together — that despite the deadliness of the virus for some people, many cases were barely symptomati­c; that these barely symptomati­c people could easily transmit the virus; and that the disease might be airborne — contaminat­ing indoor air sometimes more than six feet from any infected person.

The CDC should have been shouting these facts from the rooftops, but it wasn’t.

The White House attempted to give daily press briefings, but these were notoriousl­y unhelpful, sprawling and disorganiz­ed. Prescient warnings like the one from CDC official Nancy Messonnier in late February 2020 were contradict­ed by the executive branch or walked back by other CDC officials. The White House announced in March 2020 that Vice President Mike Pence would be controllin­g messages out of the agency, when we needed the opposite to happen; the CDC should have been vetting statements from Trump and Pence for accuracy, rather than letting the White House censor scientific facts.

In the informatio­n vacuum, news outlets amplified studies that many experts at the time found misleading — playing up miniscule transmissi­on risks associated with contaminat­ed surfaces or outdoor activities. Though there was a legitimate, early concern about transmissi­on from surfaces, virologist­s argued that whatever tiny traces remained hours or days after something was touched were extremely unlikely to infect anyone.

Meanwhile, asymptomat­ic spread deserved more attention. The first clues that it could happen came in late January and February of 2020 from scientists in Germany and Singapore, where outbreaks were identified earlier and where there was better testing and contact tracing. So scientists knew it could happen — but they continued to debate how often infected people remained symptom-free and how infectious they were. In the absence of decisive leadership from the CDC, the debate played out in Twitter threads and op-eds, perhaps leaving the public with the impression that the basic fact of asymptomat­ic spread was disputed. It wasn’t.

Perhaps CDC officials would have been quicker to hammer that point home had the Trump administra­tion not leaned on them to keep mum. Had they been more vocal, people might have demanded more action — especially more testing. As I noted in March 2020, we desperatel­y needed the kind of widespread testing that was flagging mild or asymptomat­ic cases and mitigating the spread in other countries.

Alessandro Vespignani, a network expert at Northeaste­rn University, created models that showed, back in the first quarter of 2020, that the virus was already rampant in both the U.S. and Europe. It was too late for travel restrictio­ns to be likely to help. What we needed was widespread testing and contact tracing, as China, Singapore, South Korea and Japan were already doing. But in the U.S., tests were hard to come by — and mostly reserved for people who were sick and had traveled from China.

And amid all this, the U.S. government was trying to reassure the public rather than help us prepare. No wonder people have lost faith in public health officials.

That loss of trust has cost us dearly. It’s now well documented that despite U.S. advantages in pandemic preparedne­ss, we suffered far more deaths per capita than other wealthy countries. Countries with high levels of trust, like Denmark and Sweden, managed fewer deaths while also imposing fewer restrictio­ns and suffering less educationa­l and economic disruption. In the U.K., public trust in the vaccinatio­n campaign allowed that country to overcome early pandemic fumbles and reduce excess deaths in subsequent waves of infection. Not in the U.S., where the omicron wave devastated less-vaccinated states.

It’s true that during the early weeks of 2020, the CDC had other problems beyond political interferen­ce. In February, the agency made headlines for bungling a test for the new virus, even as other countries were already employing sophistica­ted testing and contact tracing schemes. And most of the statistics people received on caseloads were coming not from the CDC but from volunteer efforts put together by The Atlantic and The New York Times. Walensky’s reorg may be most effective in solving some of these sorts of issues.

But deeper change will likely be needed if the agency is going to stay strong against the meddling of the executive branch. And the White House will often be tempted to influence CDC recommenda­tions, as we’ve seen with the Biden administra­tion’s impact on booster guidance.

Policy should be informed by science and formed by the will of the people. For that to work, the public needs a clear picture of what we’re up against. It’s the CDC’S job to paint that picture — despite whatever the current occupant of the White House would like to hear.

 ?? STEFANI REYNOLDS/GETTY-AFP ?? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testifies last September during a Senate committee hearing in Washington.
STEFANI REYNOLDS/GETTY-AFP CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testifies last September during a Senate committee hearing in Washington.

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