Hartford Courant

Youth sports drives some parents crazy

Invaluable lessons from mother who has been through it

- By Mary Mcnamara

A while back, I sat in the aggressive discomfort of the bleachers at my youngest daughter’s high school basketball game and vibrated with rage. After nearly 20 years of watching my children play youth sports, I thought I had tamed the “What game are you looking at, ref?” beast that lurks within us all, but no. There it was, roaring to life as my daughter, for reasons clear only to the men with whistles, fouled out in the third quarter.

I didn’t yell or suggest that the officials were in cahoots with the other team, as some people to whom I am married did. But I did exacerbate my TMJ. Of course my daughter commits fouls. Everyone commits fouls. But most of these calls appeared ridiculous.

Though not, perhaps, as ridiculous as me. There I sat, a fullgrown woman, aware that I was watching the next-to-last season of a decade’s worth of high school sports, and ruining it by quietly coming out of my skin over what I considered a few bad calls.

So instead of grinding my teeth into nubs, I finally embraced my ref rage and tried to explore its contours.

What was I furious about, really? That we had paid $24 to watch our daughter sit on the bench? That she comes out of games with bruises all over her midsection and 4-inch scratch marks down her arms, but at 5-feet-10 seems to be regularly penalized for playing while tall? That the refs did appear quite chummy with the other team’s coach?

No, I was angry because two other adults had been granted temporary but quite specific control over my daughter’s life and I did not think they were administer­ing it fairly.

And there was not a thing I could do about it.

As I fast approach the final year of my last round of hands-on parenting, I realized that this is the best, and the worst, part about being the parent of a young athlete: We get a taste of what the future holds long before our direct participat­ion in our child’s life necessaril­y comes to an end.

Years before we send them into a world where parents have little or no role — with college professors, bosses, colleagues, landlords, whatever — youth athletics prepare us for a time when our job, as parents, is to sit, watch and cheer (or grind our teeth) when appropriat­e.

American parents get a lot of flak, often justifiabl­y, for their over-involvemen­t in their children’s lives. But even the non-helicopter­s among us run a certain amount of interferen­ce; it’s part of the job. Up to the middle school years, we might engage in conversati­ons with other parents when young friendship­s turn into feuds; from pre-k to high school, if a child appears to be struggling academical­ly or socially, we meet with teachers, counselors and administra­tors.

When it comes to sports, however — well, let’s just say I have learned the hard way that once your child is 8 or 9, no coach has any interest in your thoughts.

And your child will not appreciate your efforts either. In my house, the simple phrase “Maybe I should just talk to your coach” has long guaranteed improved study habits/tone of voice/chore completion.

As for the refs, unless you actually know the people wielding the whistles, the only appropriat­e interactio­n is a friendly nod, silence and a word of thanks at the end of the game.

Sports can teach kids many things — the necessity of practice and commitment, the importance of teamwork, the ability to take direction and remain composed under pressure.

Parents, on the other hand, mainly learn to let go and suck it up. Which are difficult but very useful lessons.

If you genuinely think a coach is terrible, you can take your kid off the team. But by its very nature, being coached is often an uncomforta­ble, and occasional­ly infuriatin­g and/or devastatin­g, process. Which you, as a parent, are experienci­ng secondhand. Most likely you will be forced, by your own child if not common sense, into an active course of doing nothing.

And if you are unhappy with the refs, well, too bad. Because, as I repeatedly remind my spouse and will now say loudly for everyone in the back row, yelling at the refs never, ever, helps anything.

Unless you like having your child die from mortificat­ion before your very eyes.

But it’s so hard, isn’t it? Not only is yelling at the refs an internatio­nal pastime, that’s your kid out there taking an elbow to the mouth, resulting in four visits to the dentist and no foul call — only for her to get the whistle when she is standing completely still with her hands in the air.

Years in the stands and on sidelines gave me some of the best friends I and my children have, created a wealth of irreplacea­ble family memories and taught me a number of other invaluable lessons.

As I sat quietly seething after my youngest fouled out recently, I comforted myself with a few of said lessons, including but not limited to the following.

If you think your kid is the next Lamar Jackson/ Serena Williams/caitlin Clark, you could be right — but you’re probably wrong. If your child is truly gifted, it will be made clear only over a number of years as they devote themselves totally to all the work that elite-level athletics require.

Every parent thinks their kid should get more playing time. Every. Single. One. Do the math.

The refs are just doing their job, which is a difficult one. As in any occupation, some are better at it than others, and even the best are only human. Keep your commentary for the ride home and remember: It is quite possible that you were wrong and they were right.

Do not yell at your kids during a game. Not just because it makes you look like a jerk, but because, like yelling at refs, it does not help. When you yell at your kid loud enough for them to hear, you force them to think not about the game but about you. How embarrassi­ng you are, what your anger may portend, why they even bother when nothing they do makes you happy. How is that going to help the situation?

If you have a deep-seated need for your team to always win and/or your child to be the star of every game because you think it reflects well on you, please admit this to yourself and get therapy immediatel­y.

Most kids are not the star of the team. Also, success is not defined by the number of points your child scores.

Do not put too much stock into unsolicite­d advice from other parents on what you should “do” with or for your kid. There are always a few who think they know everything. They usually do not.

Early success in most sports has as much to do with size, hand-eye coordinati­on and speed than any innate talent. Kids develop at different rates. Don’t get too excited too soon; everyone else will probably catch up.

It is OK to appreciate and acknowledg­e athletic prowess that is not your child’s own. This may be a bit easier for women like me who remember those pre-title IX days when celebrated female athletes were still the exception. Even when my daughter’s team is getting trounced, I am grateful she lives in a world where so many girls at every level are encouraged to play and keep playing.

It should be fun, at least most of the time. There will always be bad games, injuries, intrateam conflicts, painful coaching, personal disappoint­ments, questionab­le reffing, opponents who play super dirty. But there should also be joy, of the sustained variety.

If there is no joy, then there are plenty of other things your child, and your family, can do. And most of them do not involve refs.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Sports can teach kids many things. Parents, on the other hand, mainly learn to let go.
DREAMSTIME Sports can teach kids many things. Parents, on the other hand, mainly learn to let go.

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