Hartford Courant

Trump contribute­d to wars plaguing world

- Rosen, Burlington

It does not seem that enough accountabi­lity has been laid at the feet of Donald Trump’s incendiary contributi­ons to the two wars now plaguing the world.

Both the quagmire in Ukraine and the tragedy in Israel and the Gaza Strip are the direct results of actions Trump took (and may take in the future) as president.

First, much of the Hamas attack was predicated on his detonating anti-israeli sentiment and enraging Palestinia­ns.

During his tenure Trump emboldened Netanyahu to increase West Bank settlement­s and to relocate the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

His dramatic withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Arms deal in 2020 fostered division and discord in an area of the world ripe for conflict.

Further isolating Iran has proven to only bolster its widespread aggression in the Middle East.

In relation to Ukraine, the seeds Trump sowed are almost too overt to warrant comment.

His catering to Putin and the lifting of U.S. sanctions against Russia after their invasion of Crimea each spurred Putin to undertake this invasion.

Above that, Trump blatantly pushed Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky by threatenin­g to withhold arms from Ukraine if the country did not provide damning evidence against the Bidens, which led to Trump’s first impeachmen­t.

In addition, Putin is counting on a Trump victory (and doing everything in his power to ensure that outcome) in the next election.

That result would likely bring about the complete withdrawal of

U.S. support for Ukraine and assure a Russian victory.

Finally, Trump’s withdrawal from multiple negotiated treaties including NAFTA, the Trans-pacific Partnershi­p, and the Iran Nuclear Arms deal signaled to the world that no treaty with the United States was worth the paper it was printed on. Any negotiated and signed treaty can be nullified by the whim of any succeeding administra­tion.

Trump’s foreign policy actions have been a disaster thus far and, if he is re-elected, undoubtedl­y will be another disaster for the U.S. and the world.

This reality needs to be shouted from the rooftops.


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