Hartford Courant

Voters have the power to write the ending


H.L. Mencken once stated “the men the American people admire most extravagan­tly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” Given these two choices, by which to evaluate our two presidenti­al contenders, candidate Donald Trump must be overwhelmi­ngly declared the man “American people admire most extravagan­tly” because when president he issued some 30,537 false or misleading claims. On the other hand, is candidate Joe Biden without fault? No. However, if putting forth the most honest and truthful public statements was the “litmus test” for judging the fitness of the man who must be elected our next president, candidate Biden would be that individual “who [tries] to tell them [American people] the truth.”

As a nation, we are at a crossroads. Why? The 2024 presidenti­al election could well determine which direction America will take domestical­ly and internatio­nally. One direction, led by the proverbial liar, promises us that America will be great again, but offers no solutions, only chaos. The other direction would be directed by the truth-teller, who believes America can be better, but only by addressing its problems openly, with plans to combat our ills.

After this November, who will be the protagonis­t of our tale: The liar or the truth-teller? Therefore, when casting your ballot remember what Alice Walker declared: “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” So, think and vote. You have the “power” to decide how this tale ends.

John M. Mishler, Harpswell, Maine

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