Hartford Courant

Bad time for influencer­s to skew birth control views

- By Lisa Jarvis

Myths about birth control are as old as the hills. But social media platforms, in particular Tiktok and Instagram, are allowing false informatio­n to proliferat­e in new and dangerous ways.

The stakes are high. The twin forces of birth-control-related misinforma­tion, often from women sharing their personal experience­s, and disinforma­tion, typically posted by right-wing activists hiding their true agendas, is happening at a time of shrinking access to abortion care in the U.S.

Physicians need to stay on top of what’s circulatin­g so they know what might be influencin­g their patients’ views of contracept­ion. The trend should also be a wake-up call: Women clearly feel their concerns aren’t being taken seriously by the medical establishm­ent, and they are clamoring for more nuance in conversati­ons about birth control. If doctors don’t step in to offer more knowledge and understand­ing — whether that’s in an exam room with a patient or as a trusted voice on social media — the void will be filled with potentiall­y unreliable, biased and even downright dangerous informatio­n about contracept­ion.

Women sharing their experience­s about birth control isn’t a new phenomenon. They have always looked beyond their doctors for advice, and word of mouth, whether that’s an experience shared by a family member or friend, can be a powerful persuader.

But the women talking about it aren’t typically the ones who are happy with their birth control; it’s the ones who have had a bad experience that are more apt to share.

Social media, particular­ly Tiktok, has amplified these anecdotes on a previously unfathomab­le scale. Once someone has interacted with one or two videos, the algorithm keeps pushing more, easily skewing perception­s of the risks of a particular form of birth control.

A group of family planning researcher­s from Harvard Medical School recently analyzed the content of 700 videos tagged with some of the most popular birth-control-specific search terms and found more than half touched on patients’ experience and the logistics of using a particular method of contracept­ion. Those videos had received 1.18 billion views and had been shared 4.1 million times.

Another recent study, from researcher­s at Duke University Medical Center, found distrust in health care providers to be a common theme in the top 100 videos tagged with #IUD, which had 471 million views and 1 million shares. Creators often discussed the pain of having the device inserted, saying they felt gaslighted or lied to about the process, says Jonas Swartz, who led the Duke study.

The disconnect between patients’ experience­s and doctors’ communicat­ion about IUD insertion is a problem. Since running the IUD study, as well as others that looked at topics like medication abortion and IVF, Swartz approaches interactio­ns with patients differentl­y. He asks his patients if they have seen anything on social media and how they feel about what they heard. “It really is important to start out the conversati­on if nothing else with an acknowledg­ment that a patient has some education about the device or treatment you’re going to offer,” he says.

The Duke and Harvard studies, as well as other efforts to understand how social media is influencin­g views on contracept­ion, are critical to understand­ing the scope of the problem and crafting strategies to improve communicat­ion with patients.

When patients come in after absorbing content on social media, it’s important to “break down those walls,” says Michael Belmonte, an OB-GYN and complex family planning specialist and fellow with the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts. Don’t get defensive or simply spit out facts, “but really start a dialogue so we can come to the best decision for them.”

But there’s a problem: Doctors can only have those conversati­on with the patients they see. An unchecked narrative that hormonal contracept­ion is “unnatural” or unsafe, or that IUDS are problemati­c, might dissuade women from even considerin­g those forms of birth control, which are the most effective with typical use.

Social media trends suggest that already could be happening. In the past two years, posts on Tiktok and Instagram from women abandoning IUDS and daily pills in favor of “natural” birth control have proliferat­ed. In the worst-case scenario, “natural” means an unproven supplement, which could be not only ineffectiv­e but potentiall­y harmful. In the best-case scenario, “natural” means using a fertility-awareness methods, tracking ovulation to avoid intercours­e or use a backup method on days when a pregnancy is most likely to occur.

Women have always used cycle tracking, though the process has been modernized with a bevy of apps, including one with Food and Drug Administra­tion clearance. But the approach requires significan­t rigor to get right and isn’t a good fit for everyone.

“I am unaware of a single person who has been able to use natural family planning in the long term,” meaning women either got pregnant or moved on to another contracept­ive method, says Deborah Bartz, an obstetrici­an-gynecologi­st at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and lead author of the Harvard study. That’s backed up by the data: Fertility awareness has a 24% failure rate (put another way, that adds up to 24 pregnancie­s per year for every 100 users) with typical use.

One fact that family planning experts emphasized to me over and over again: Roughly half of the women who get an abortion say they had used some form of birth control during the month they got pregnant.

In other words, any drop in use of birth control increases the risk of unintended pregnancie­s. That’s a scary thought at a time when abortion is banned in 13 states and counting.

Birth control is a very personal decision, and identifyin­g the method that works best for an individual can require some experiment­ation. That is best done when a doctor, not social media influencer­s, guides those choices.

Women, meanwhile, should remember to be smart consumers of social media. When fed a video about the dangers of hormonal birth control, ask whether the content comes with a hidden agenda — is it trying to sell a product or pushing a political agenda?

And even if the informatio­n is well intentione­d, women should always do their own vetting — the consequenc­es of bad advice are too grave to put one’s health in the hands of an influencer.

 ?? RICH PEDRONCELL­I/AP 2016 ?? Physicians need to keep track of content on social media platforms that might be influencin­g their patients’ views of contracept­ion methods, Lisa Jarvis argues.
RICH PEDRONCELL­I/AP 2016 Physicians need to keep track of content on social media platforms that might be influencin­g their patients’ views of contracept­ion methods, Lisa Jarvis argues.

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