


Board ignores facts in passing resolution

During the Sarasota County School Board meeting May 7, when the anti-Title IX resolution was adopted 4-1, two citizens provided factual informatio­n about the wide variety of biological­ly based intersex conditions found everywhere in the human population.

But four board members ignored that informatio­n and passed a primitive resolution that defies reality and states there are two immutable biological sexes.

Why? Are facts actually meaningles­s to some “educators”? Alternativ­ely, are they saying that God makes mistakes?

One of the most frustratin­g aspects of our School Board meetings is that board members’ reasoning is never explained, leaving us to conclude that preordaine­d political opportunis­m is behind inexplicab­le decisions. Often, statements by board members are incomprehe­nsible to the listeners.

Many want to know the board majority’s justificat­ion for adopting an official resolution that is literally ignorant of reality and will have cruel repercussi­ons.

Board members Tim Enos, Robyn Marinelli, Karen Rose and Bridget Ziegler: Please respond with informatio­n that helps community members understand your reasoning on this issue. (Don’t bother mentioning women’s sports; the new Title IX revision does not concern that issue.)

Louise Machinist, retired clinical child psychologi­st

Supreme Court doesn’t reflect America

The conservati­ve Supreme Court justices seem to be taking it personally that their right-wing, religious, Republican assault on a women’s right to choose has stirred up resentment.

In this echo chamber, about 78% of the justices are Catholic, while only 23% of all Americans are. According to Pew Research Center, about 60% of Catholic women believe that some or all abortions should be legal.

Many of us think that hiding the fact that Justice Clarence Thomas and his family have benefited greatly from the largesse of a billionair­e backer looks shady at best. No American wants a judge who appears “on the take” and then gets defensive when asked about it.

Those of us who interpret the Bible different from the Catholic view have our own biblical standards that we willingly accept. My open and affirming church allows women to make their own choices about who to love and when to give birth. It even allows them to speak in church.

The Supreme Court justices are trying to force their personal religion and ethics on others of differing faiths, doctrines and standards. Aren’t diverse opinions what make America great?

Peter S. Cohoon, Bradenton

Do-nothings: DeSantis, Rubio, Scott

Florida has the most useless group of statewide politician­s in the United States. Who knows how these bozos spend their time, but we can sure whatever they do, it does nothing to benefit the residents of Florida.

Sen. Marco Rubio turns up whenever he thinks his position as the ranking member on the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee will provide him an opportunit­y to show his worth to his clueless supporters.

Gov. Ron DeSantis takes positions on parental rights on both sides of the fence depending on which side will earn him political points with far-right MAGA voters. But for the most part, he wastes money on solutions in search of problems.

And then there is our other U.S. senator, Rick Scott. You can be sure he used taxpayer funds to fly up to New York to support Trump when even Trump’s wife doesn’t think enough of him to be there to support him. He even parroted Trump’s attack on the judge and prosecutor, which Trump is not allowed to do.

Can’t see how his actions benefit the people of Florida at all.

Felton Marans, Lakewood Ranch

Study impact of hotels on Siesta traffic

On Jan. 30, three Sarasota County commission­ers voted against a proposal by Commission­ers Mark Smith and Joe Neunder to develop and validate a Transporta­tion Microsimul­ation Model of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on Siesta Key and its two access roads.

It would appear that the opposing commission­ers − Mike Moran, Neil Rainford and Ron Cutsinger − did so because they do not want residents to see how much harder it will be to get on and off the key, let alone travel north or south, if new hotels are built.

They support Benderson Developmen­t’s request to change the Siesta Key Comprehens­ive Plan that would immediatel­y allow numerous high-rise hotels to be built.

We the people need to demand that this model be developed and validated so we all, as well as the commission­ers, get an honest assessment of the implicatio­ns of all of these hotel projects, rather than looking at traffic impacts one project at a time.

There is already a Siesta Key Comprehens­ive Plan Change approval process underway that would accommodat­e these hotels. We need to let these commission­ers know that if they approve any Comp Plan changes without the proper analysis, using such a model, there will be litigation to overturn them.

Jeff Dow, Sarasota

Without Roe v. Wade, lives, health at risk

Two years ago, I wrote a letter expressing my concerns after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. I shared my story of having to carry a dead fetus to term in the 1960s.

I was only spared because my doctor broke the law, and possibly saved my life, by performing a medically necessary abortion.

Sadly, my worst fears have come to pass. A patchwork of state rulings denies abortion to women.

The exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother do not work; they are too vague and doctors are afraid of running afoul of these laws.

We have heard multiple stories of women who had to flee to other states to save their own lives. On May 1, Florida joined this shameful group by outlawing abortion after six weeks, with few exceptions.

I urge you to keep these barbaric facts in mind and vote this fall for people who recognize women’s health, including abortion, as a fundamenta­l right.

Vote in favor of Amendment 4 to restore these rights to women in Florida.

Linda Crosskey, Englewood

Outrage drives protests, not antisemiti­sm

On the morning of Oct. 8, 2023, millions of American Jews, and millions of their non-Jewish friends (like me), experience­d the realizatio­n of a world sharply darkened overnight: horror and pain at the previous day’s Hamas atrocity and momentous dread regarding the likely response of the Netanyahu government.

Regarding the latter, our worst fears have been realized, unendingly. As a result, Israel’s reputation has taken a deep dive, and Jews the world over are endangered.

It is against this background that I read the May 12 column by Temple Beth Sholom Rabbi Stuart Altshuler, a prominent leader in our Jewish community.

Rabbi Altshuler characteri­zes the current pro-Palestinia­n protests as fundamenta­lly antisemiti­c, referring to the “‘Go Back to Poland’ shouts by the protesting anti-Israel/pro-Hamas mobs on college campuses.”

Yes, that shout was heard, albeit rarely, and never (so far as I have seen or heard) as a communal chant. That rabid antisemite­s exist, and are glad for the opportunit­y, should surprise no one.

That antisemiti­sm is the driver of these protests, however, is simply wrong. It is sincere outrage at the monstrous, needless cruelty of the Netanyahu government.

Since the Oct. 7 attack, some 35,000 Palestinia­ns have died, while less than 300 Israeli soldiers have lost their lives.

Thousands have died in Gaza when bombs were deliberate­ly dropped on multistory apartment buildings on the flimsy pretext, although physically accurate, that a Hamas tunnel coursed under the building.

Yet not one word of Rabbi Altshuler’s column is devoted to the heartrendi­ng plight of the Palestinia­ns in Gaza.

His column is directed at combating antisemiti­sm; it only feeds it. His friends should assist him to remove the scales from his eyes.

Philippe Koenig, Sarasota

Don’t ignore GOP-antisemiti­sm links

Really? When it is politicall­y beneficial, the outrage over antisemiti­sm comes from all corners of the Republican Party.

Where were Republican­s when then-President Donald Trump said, after the white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, that there were “very fine people” on both sides?

Where was the outcry when Trump told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”?

Where were the loud Republican voices when Trump had lunch at Mar-a-Lago with antisemiti­c rapper Kanye West and white nationalis­t Nick Fuentes, a Holocaust denier?

Now Trump tells me that if I vote for Biden, I must hate my religion. Funny, his other comments suggest that he is actually the one who hates my religion.

I guess I’ll keep waiting for the Republican­s to speak when it really counts.

Norm Greenspan, Bradenton

 ?? MIKE LANG/HERALD-TRIBUNE ?? During a demonstrat­ion before a Sarasota County School Board meeting, Snow Mowry of Venice shows a T-shirt mocking one worn by board member Bridget Ziegler in a social media post, “Real Women Aren’t Men.”
MIKE LANG/HERALD-TRIBUNE During a demonstrat­ion before a Sarasota County School Board meeting, Snow Mowry of Venice shows a T-shirt mocking one worn by board member Bridget Ziegler in a social media post, “Real Women Aren’t Men.”
 ?? SEBASTIAN SMITH/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Then-President Donald Trump with rapper Kanye West in 2018.
SEBASTIAN SMITH/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Then-President Donald Trump with rapper Kanye West in 2018.

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