Hobby Farms

Wood Blewit Production


Unlike the almond agaricus and wine cap, the wood blewit requires a somewhat more patient grower. Field and Forest recommends two methods for production:

Fall — Easy GrowinG

The easiest method for planting wood blewit is to start in the fall. As you’re cleaning up garden waste, layer the spent plants with chunks of spawn, adding in a layer of finished compost every third layer of so to hold in moisture. You call also bury the spawn in a composted hay bale or large layer of grass clippings that has been well-hydrated, let it sit out overwinter, and then spread out the material into the garden as a thick layer of mulch in the spring. While both of these methods are low intensity, what you gain in ease, you pay for in time. Don’t expect to see your first fruiting for at least a year.

sprinG — MaxiMuM rEsults

For a quicker, more plentiful harvest, grow your wood blewits in their own bed. Layer compost materials with spawn at least 8 to 10 inches deep. Spent oyster mushroom straw works great as a substrate, as does composted straw, composted grass and leaves, and vegetable matter. Then mulch the bed, and keep it well-hydrated.

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