Hobby Farms

Rock Your Soil with Probiotics

Healthier soil makes for healthier plants and people.

- by Moira K. McGhee

Healthier soil makes for healthier plants and people.

probiotics are good bacteria that are good for people, and probiotic farming can pump up plant health, which is also good for people. Healthy crops start with healthy soil. Probiotic farming not only makes your soil healthier, but it also offers a wealth of other benefits for farmers who want better crops while improving the growing area and the environmen­t as a whole.


Probiotic farming, sometimes referred to as biointensi­ve agricultur­e, combines various organic farming techniques that focus on making soil healthier by introducin­g beneficial microorgan­isms into the growing environmen­t. Probiotic farmers utilize live microbes that are beneficial bacteria, just like the beneficial bacteria people ingest in probiotic foods or dietary supplement­s.

In this sense, probiotics in farming act as supplement­s for the soil and ultimately the plants. The more beneficial the bacteria, the more fertile the soil, which potentiall­y maximizes your crop yields while limiting the need for harmful chemical-based fertilizer­s and pesticides.

In 2018, Luke Heidt, owner of Wisconsin Hemp Flower in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and author of Luke’s Hemp blog (https://lukeshemp.com), realized that he was a probiotic farmer. “Probiotic farming is a generic term for the best organic practices to increase the life in the soil and to feed the plants by feeding the soil,” he says. “Plants do better when they are healthy. Healthy soil makes healthy plants.”


Probiotic farming is a technique nearly any farmer can use to provide the nutrients their crops need to flourish. Plant probiotics is a promising alternativ­e for soil fertilizat­ion that improves crops while protecting the land, without any adverse effects.

Synthetic pesticides and fertilizer­s can deplete the soil and hinder, or even kill beneficial microbes that help plants grow strong and healthy. Probiotic farming strengthen­s the soil by reintroduc­ing beneficial bacteria to help the soil remain fertile and even regenerate from previous damage. By using a variety of probiotic farming practices, beneficial bacteria thrive and crops benefit from a healthier growing environmen­t.

Probiotics have also been shown to increase some plants’ resistance to certain pests and disease. When plants are protected by a healthy probiotic habitat, they’re better equipped to deal with insect attacks and have an increased immunity to molds, disease, pathogens and other stresses. Best of all, this protection is provided by natural resources, so liquid runoff isn’t toxic and dangerous chemicals often found in commercial products don’t poison the surroundin­g environmen­t.


Probiotic farming uses a variety of techniques, including organic practices already used in a wide array of agricultur­al endeavors. If you’ve previously utilized composting, cover crops, no-till farming, soil recycling, natural soil amendments, homemade fertilizer­s or other organic remedies, then you may already be using probiotic farming practices without even realizing it.

COMPOSTING: Composting is a simple concept with a long history the basis of organic gardening and farming. Already used by farmers and gardeners across the country, composting is considered a vital probiotic farming technique that helps build up the soil. A lot of composting is done through aerobic systems, which simply means it’s done abovegroun­d, because the microorgan­isms require oxygen to break down waste and promote bacterial growth. Aerobic systems often utilize bins in which you turn your compost heap with a pitchfork or shovel or tumbling composters that only require a few spins to turn your heap.

Composting not only provides you with an environmen­tally friendly way to dispose of kitchen waste and a good use for livestock manure, it also provides much needed nutrients and beneficial bacteria for your soil and crops. However, in aerobic systems you never want to compost dairy products, meat or bones, oils, human waste, or pet waste from cats or dogs.

“On our farm, we have an abundant supply of composted and aged cow manure from our beef cows,” Heidt says. “This compost is what I prefer to use before planting our vegetable gardens. It is tough to beat a garden grown in abundant piles of local compost. Heavy feeding plants, such as hemp, chilies, corn, etc. seem to get an increase in size from lots of compost, as well as aerated compost tea and homemade herb teas.”

BOKASHI: In Japan, using probiotics in agricultur­e dates back to at least the 17th century when farmers developed concoction­s called bokashi to help feed and protect their crops. Bokashi is a Japanese term that in horticultu­re basically refers to fermented organic matter or an organic waste fermentati­on-process. The most common use for bokashi is as an inoculant in anaerobic composting, but you can also add it to an aerobic compost heap, use it to create compost tea to use during watering or add it directly to your soil.

Bokashi is typically made by combining wheat bran, water, molasses and essential microorgan­isms (EM). Considered a microbial inoculant, EM is the source of beneficial microbes that gives bokashi bran the ability to devour composted matter. Without EM, your bokashi won’t work. You can make your own version of EM, which is basically a combinatio­n of lactobacil­lus bacteria, phototroph­ic bacteria and yeast, but many farmers tend to buy the proprietar­y formula available commercial­ly.

BOKASHI COMPOSTING: Like aerobic composting, anaerobic composting is another way to break down various waste, but it takes place undergroun­d because the microorgan­isms don’t require oxygen to do their job. Bokashi composting is a specific type of anaerobic composting that allows you to compost all kinds of kitchen scraps, including meat, dairy and other products you can’t put in aerobic systems.

Bokashi composting is a lengthy but simple process. Mix whatever kitchen waste you want devoured with some of the EM-infused bokashi bran, press it into a bucket, top it with more bokashi bran and tightly cover the bucket. Keep adding to your bucket until it’s full, then ensure it’s tightly sealed and store it for 10 to 12 days. When you reopen the bucket, everything will be thoroughly pickled and highly acidic. You must bury the content in a fallow spot for another two to four weeks before it can be safely used on plants without damaging roots.

COMPOST TEA: Adding compost tea enhances microbial life when applied to the soil or sprayed directly onto a plant’s foliage. It works hand in hand with composting to help ensure you have a diverse array of microorgan­isms in your soil ecosystem. Over time, Heidt learned that adding additional compost teas and plant teas led to further increases in the quality of the garden. The plants are healthier and the yields are higher.

Heidt started making my own compost teas around 2009. Aerated compost teas were starting to get some attention online, and he visited a compost tea brewing company in Humboldt County. “Aerated compost tea is a very cost-effective way to add a small amount of nutrients and a very large amount of beneficial ingredient­s including bacteria, fungi and other beneficial microorgan­isms directly to the area around the plants,” he says.

SOIL AMENDMENTS: While compost tea can be an important soil amendment, you can also amend your soil with other natural ingredient­s. Various soil amendments help support your microorgan­ism population by providing additional food before, during and after a growing season, which is a vital part of probiotic farming.

Tilling in fresh amendments builds up the soil and maintains optimal nutrients for the upcoming growing season. Adding amendments during a growing season gives microorgan­isms something new to break down and provide to the crops. Some common soil amendments include organic matter, worm castings, blood meal, bone meal, fish meal, oyster shell, bat guano and rock dust.

HOMEMADE FERTILIZER: Avoiding commercial fertilizer­s that may include chemicals is a must in organic farming and just as important in probiotic farming. Synthetic fertilizer­s often kill the beneficial microbes you’ve carefully cultivated for your probiotic environmen­t. Homemade fertilizer­s that utilize natural ingredient­s promote a healthy habitat for thriving

microorgan­isms. Compost and compost teas are popular forms of homemade fertilizer­s. Grass clippings and leaves can also be used as both a fertilizer and mulch, and many weeds make an excellent tea.

“Every year, I have been interested in learning about the best organic practices from around the world,” Heidt says. “In 2010, I realized that farmers in France were using nettles soaked in buckets of water as fertilizer. This seemed remarkable to me, because I had never considered using the abundant nettles around our farm as fertilizer. A light bulb clicked, and I have been on the path of homemade fertilizer­s and compost teas ever since.

“With just a bucket, or a trashcan if you want to go big, and local weeds, you can produce large amounts of liquid fertilizer. Nettle is my favorite. A word of warning though, unaerated liquid fertilizer­s made with nettle smell really, really bad!”


Probiotic farmers typically use the best organic practices from a wide variety of alternativ­e practices. This allows them to combine the methods that best support their endeavors to create the healthiest soil to sustain their crops.

“Farmers, such as myself, have begun to look at Korean Natural Farming and its relative in Korea, JADAM, for inspiratio­n,” Heidt says. “In KNF and JADAM, local ingredient­s are used to make inexpensiv­e liquid fertilizer­s that contain probiotics. Organic farmers can’t afford to buy liquid fertilizer­s, but they can afford to make their own. JADAM and KNF provide many recipes for making homemade fertilizer­s.”

Establishe­d in 1991, JADAM is a group of organic farmers whose goal is to bring farming back to the farmers and to spread an ultra-low-cost method of farming. There efforts include sharing a do-it-yourself system of making natural pesticides and liquid fertilizer­s that are organic, environmen­tally friendly and just as effective as expensive commercial versions.

KNF incorporat­es numerous farming techniques that includes making your own plant supplement­s, fertilizer­s and pesticides by using the microorgan­isms native to your area. Many probiotic farming practices originated from KNF practices. Some of these include transplant­ing beneficial indigenous microorgan­isms into your farm ecosystem and using fermented plant extracts to create organic fertilizer­s.

“There are likely to be herbs and weeds right next to where you live that you can use to make your own fertilizer­s for your plants,” Heidt says. “Homemade fertilizer­s plus compost tea are two of the most effective ways to grow healthier plants on a budget.”


Although the concept of probiotic farming is fairly young in comparison to other farming practices, many farmers believe it not only reduces costs, but it’s also highly beneficial to the earth. Each individual component of probiotic farming helps your soil and plants in one way or another, but when you combine farming practices to match your specific crop(s) and growing conditions, you can create an ideal growing environmen­t for larger, healthier crop yields without disrupting nature.

“Results matter,” Heidt says. “Advanced organic farming produces superior products. Farmers need to produce products that stand out. Probiotic farming gets results for less money while maintainin­g the health of the environmen­t and making sure you leave the land better off than how you found it.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? worm tea has the ability to boost microbiolo­gical activity in soil by adding bacteria, fungi, actinomyce­tes and protozoa.
worm tea has the ability to boost microbiolo­gical activity in soil by adding bacteria, fungi, actinomyce­tes and protozoa.
 ??  ?? this compost tumbler has bokashi added. You can clearly see a mycelium web growing after just a few days.
this compost tumbler has bokashi added. You can clearly see a mycelium web growing after just a few days.
 ??  ?? Once “pickled,” bury the bokashi compost in a fallow spot for two to four weeks before it can be safely used on plants without damaging roots. larger pieces of food waste, such as bones, may take longer than two weeks to completely break down.
Once “pickled,” bury the bokashi compost in a fallow spot for two to four weeks before it can be safely used on plants without damaging roots. larger pieces of food waste, such as bones, may take longer than two weeks to completely break down.

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