Hobby Farms



Chickens require bedding in their nest boxes for comfort and egg protection and to absorb droppings and odors underneath the perches. Pine shavings or chippings are your best bet for poultry and are readily available at your local feed-supply store or lumber mill.

If you are using shavings from a lumber mill, make sure they are made from soft wood, such as pine. Mold can grow in hardwood tree shavings (black locust and cherry are the worst), which can cause a respirator­y illness called Aspergillo­sis. This is a particular problem if your coop is enclosed, so change wet hardwood bedding frequently.

Hardwood chippings are OK if placed outside, say to cut down on mud. Lumber mills tend to mix shavings of all kinds of wood together, so if you can’t find soft wood shavings or chippings, dried grass and leaves, straw or shredded newspapers are good alternativ­es.

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