Hobby Farms

Permacultu­re & Pasture Principals


Twelve principles have been identified as the rules governing a healthy, ongoing human impact on an ecosystem. They are the same rules that govern regenerati­ve grazing. With these principles informing your plans, you can be sure your homestead is going to start out on a good footing with the local biological communitie­s.

1. Observe and interact; watch and manage your animals. 2. Catch and store energy; grass is the largest terrestria­l solar collector.

3. Obtain a yield — grazing turns solar energy into milk, meat and manure — and more animals.

4. Apply self-regulation and feedback; let the farm teach you how to graze.

5. Use and value renewables such as sunlight, grass, rainfall and manure.

6. Produce no waste; in a pasture setting, everything goes back into the soil.

7. Design from pattern to details; all decisions must imitate nature. 8. Integrate, don’t segregate, like mixed herds and native perennial pastures.

9. Use small, slow solutions; grazing happens one bite at time!

10. Use and value diversity; more species means more natural services.

11. Use edges and value the marginal; graze banks, understori­es and verges. Everything has value.

12. Creatively use and respond to change; good grazing lets nature, not human plans, take the lead.

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