Hobby Farms

Discourage Rodents


Keeping the coop free of mice and other rodents is simply an impossible task. Even if we built our birds bunkers surrounded by cement walls, mice would still find a way to get in. The best we can do is to limit our open invitation to them as best as we can. Here are some steps you can take to do the same.


1⁄8-inch hardware mesh as mice will fit through the holes of 1⁄4-inch mesh. If you caulk, use a silicone sealant instead of a gnawable latex one. Avoid sealing holes with materials such as rubber, plastic sheathing and green cement, as mice can chew through these.

• CLEAN UP SPILLED FEED. Yes, chickens are messy and scatter their feed everywhere. Trying to end that is a losing battle. If a human-caused spill occurs, however, don’t leave the jumble of crumbles for the chickens to eventually clean up. Doing so is the same as stating, “Dinner is served!” to the local mice.

• REMOVE ALL FEEDERS AT NIGHT. Mice are mostly nocturnal and avail themselves to your birds’ feeders while the chickens roost and snooze. Store your feeders in a spot rodents can’t access.

• COLLECT EGGS REGULARLY. Eggs are an excellent source of food for mice, and eggs left in nest boxes overnight can attract unwanted guests to your henhouse.

• KEEP THE AREA 3 TO 5 FEET AROUND YOUR COOP MOWED AND FREE FROM CLUTTER. Tall grass, weeds, trash, stacks of wood, abandoned yard tools and other junk make perfect temporary (or permanent) shelters for mice. A neatly mowed yard also allows you to easily check for rodent burrows and pathways.

• PLACE MOUSETRAPS AND RODENT-CONTROL SOLUTIONS in areas where you see mice droppings. Position toward the walls, as mice tend to run along the walls rather than through an open space. To prevent accidents with inquisitiv­e chickens, set your traps at night and remove them during the day.

• IF USING POISONS, USE CAUTION AROUND LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY. Always read the product label, follow all directions and use precaution­s, as suggested by the EPA.

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