Hobby Farms

Hotbeds & Corn Transplant­s

- By Samuel Feldman

Ahotbed is basically a garden bed heated by decomposin­g organic material such as manure that allows year-round cultivatio­n. A greenhouse or cold frame is used to trap the heat.

Various crops can be grown in hotbeds, such as vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers and tropical plants. The technique is useful in extending the growing season, and after some practice, it could even be used to grow tropical plants (if you have a taste for horse-manure pineapples!).

A hotbed could be made by building a box around 3-feet-deep and 4-to-6-feet-square. Bricks, lumber or straw could be used as building materials. If you don’t have any materials and don’t mind the work, you can make an even better hotbed by digging a pit with the same dimensions.

Obtain some manure, preferably horse manure containing around 1⁄3 of straw or other bedding. Place the manure in a pile, compact it and wait three to four days until it gets warm. Turn it over, compact it again and wait another three to four days. Now the manure should be ready to be placed in the hotbed.

Fill the hotbed with manure, and tamp it down so that the depth is 1 to 2 feet. Add 6 to 8 inches of topsoil and a south-facing cold frame on top to keep in the heat. Don’t plant immediatel­y as the hotbed will reach high temperatur­es for several days. You can safely plant when the temperatur­e drops to 85 degrees Fahrenheit or slightly lower.

Maintainin­g the hotbed will require some skill in opening the frames in mild weather and covering them in very cold nights, but overall, you’ll be surprised at the usefulness of this natural greenhouse. The heat generated from decomposin­g horse manure could last for several weeks to a few months, depending on various factors, including the size of the bed and the quality of manure.

Generally, a hotbed will be warm for six to eight weeks. Anyway, the used hotbed makes a wonderful bed for growing pumpkins or other nutrient loving plants in the summer.

Transplant­ing Sweet Corn

Transplant­ing corn is an old technique that is sometimes used even today. Because plants get establishe­d quickly, farmers get an earlier crop as well as effective weed control without herbicides. Gaps in the field from ungerminat­ed seeds are avoided as well as weed competitio­n which leads to a better crop.

The old-school directions for transplant­ing corn is to prepare a plot of land much like a garden in fall. Scatter the seeds and cover with some straw to prevent birds from eating them. The following spring, the land where the crop will eventually grow is plowed, and the small corn plants transplant­ed. Though this requires a lot of effort, much time is saved from weeding and the resulting crop is earlier and better.

Modern growers use greenhouse­s and 98 cell trays with potting mix to sow corn seeds several weeks earlier than planting time. The trays are placed on tables so that the corn won’t root in the ground. After around 12 days at greenhouse temperatur­es of 65 degrees in the day and 60 at night, the transplant­s are hardened off for two to six days and planted in the prepared soil. The transplant­s could be also covered with floating row cover for further protection and season extension. Try several varieties of corn beforehand because varieties can widely differ in vigor.

Though the process of transplant­ing corn could be costly, there are many benefits. Growers who transplant corn find that there is less weed trouble, an earlier harvest to attract customers and even a higher yield (mostly because of more plants per acre).

 ?? ?? Hotbeds provide bottom heat to transplant­s, enhancing germinatio­n and stimulatin­g root growth.
Hotbeds provide bottom heat to transplant­s, enhancing germinatio­n and stimulatin­g root growth.
 ?? ?? Typically, sweet corn transplant­s are grown for 14 to 18 days, with the first 12 days or so at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and about 60 degrees at night.
Typically, sweet corn transplant­s are grown for 14 to 18 days, with the first 12 days or so at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and about 60 degrees at night.

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