Horse & Rider

Lauren Wolfe Bryan, Texas


Lauren is a project manager, mother to a 19-month-old child, riding instructor, and former all-around competitor. She rides for pleasure and to prepare her horses for her young charges. She’s also completing training to be a Fit 4 Mom fitness instructor. Favorite ways to exercise: Yoga, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and running.

“I love doing yoga because it improves my posture, opens up my hips, and strengthen­s my core and back,” Lauren says. “Poses such as downward dog really lengthen my leg muscles, which is great for keeping my heels down as I ride. Warrior poses and triangle poses open up my hips, making for a more comfortabl­e ride and increased flexibilit­y.”

For strength training, she turns to high-intensity interval training, which involves max effort in a series of exercises using bodyweight or minimal equipment. She says moves such as plié squats—squats with your toes pointed outward—sitting band rows, supermans, and burpees are all great exercises for riders.

“To be able to fit in a workout that’s productive, high-intensity interval training is something you can do in 20 minutes,” Lauren says. “There are so many options with videos online, you don’t even need to go to the gym. Most barn aisleways are concrete and have lots of space!”

Lauren loves running, and says it’s a great cardio exercise for riders.

“Running clears my mind, and I love to be out in nature. I think a lot of horse people enjoy hiking and being outside,” Lauren says. Diet: Lauren stays hydrated with plenty of water throughout the day and focuses on eating whole fruits and vegetables as possible. She avoids complex carbs that can drain her energy. Fitting it in: Lauren exercises early in the morning or after her toddler is in bed. Having options for exercise— indoor and outdoor, long and short routines—means she’s always able to find something to get her moving in the time she has available. Fit tip: Make a habit of stretching before and after you ride your horse to avoid any injuries.

“Try to be active two or three times a week, in whatever form of fitness you choose, so you can enjoy your riding without being as prone to injury,” Lauren says.

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