Horse & Rider

Sheley Brien Scottsdale, Arizona


Sheley is a Scottsdale Donut Bar franchise owner, a mother of two, shows Quarter Horse reiners, and owns rei (an online platform for the reining community). One year ago, she began competing in bikini fitness competitio­ns. But her recent fitness journey started two years ago, with a pair of too-tight chaps.

“When my chaps got tight, I considered buying another pair or getting extensions, but I thought ‘this isn’t happening. I’m not doing it. Something’s got to change,’ ” Sheley says. “I made major lifestyle changes, and it’s the best feeling when you go to put on your chaps and you’re able to zip them up—with room.” Favorite ways to exercise: Cardio and strength training 5 to 7 days a week, depending on her goals and whether or not she has a horse show coming up.

“I love to train legs,” Sheley says. “I’ve been showing horses since I was 5 years old. My legs have always had a lot of muscle, and I love having that strength. And it’s good for the horses—I can be there to support them when necessary because my legs don’t get weak. I love to do a lot of squats and deadlifts.”

Sheley also loves training her shoulders and back for balance, strength, and flexibilit­y when riding one-handed.

Her cardio training has helped her keep up with her horse in the reining patterns. She enjoys running the 2-mile stretch of road in front of her home every day.

“Over the last couple of years, my show mare and I have been successful, and I think a lot of it is the fact that I’ve gotten stronger,” Sheley says. “I am not winded, I’m not exhausted, and this last year I’ve felt a lot better.” Diet: Sheley eats a diet based on macros and carb cycling year-round, which she considers a healthy lifestyle, not a quick fix. She eats healthy whole foods in a ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydra­tes that fits her body’s needs. Fitting it in: Sheley says committing to improving your health may mean shifting priorities, but it’s worth it.

“Are you willing to give up getting on Facebook in the morning for 20 minutes so you can go run?” Sheley says. “There are times when I don’t get on social media at all because I’ve made a different choice [with my time].” Fit tip: Just as you hire a horse trainer to achieve goals in the saddle, Sheley says finding a trainer to help you with your health in some capacity may help boost your fitness journey.

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