Horse & Rider

Brittany Morgan Brawley, California


With a background in dancing and riding, Brittany got serious about fitness around age 20 when she found herself living on the other side of the country from her horses that she continued to

show in all-around competitio­n. Her sporadic riding schedule meant she needed to keep up her strength and endurance in between events.

Today, Brittany is a certified health coach and certified yoga teacher. Favorite ways to exercise: Yoga every day, bodyweight training five or more times a week, and spin class twice a week.

“It’s important to have endurance as a rider; those three styles fit my body well,” Brittany says. “Yoga is my one go-to. I get the benefits of strength training, cardio endurance training, and stretching. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of limber muscles while riding, and yoga gives me balance and control over all the muscles in my body.” Diet: Brittany strives for balance and native-style eating, meaning fewer processed foods.

“I try to keep my diet as close to nature as possible,” Brittany says. “Animal proteins and fats make up most of my diet, also superfood shakes.” Fitting it in: “Ten minutes a day, every day, will make a difference,” Brittany says. “I try to fit in squats, planks, push-ups, core exercise, and stretching every day.” Fit tip: Discover what works for you.

“Finding what you enjoy makes it that much easier to find time for it on a busy day,” Brittany says. “That doesn’t mean everything is easy and comfy, it just means that what you do should fuel your fire, so when the going gets tough, you can push through.”

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