Horse & Rider



Lari Shea, Mendocino, California, is an endurance rider with nearly four decades of experience leading weeklong horseback vacations. Here’s a 10-minute stretching routine she leads trail riders through before and during long rides. Stretch in a slow, deliberate rhythm. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds and do each repetitive move about six times. 1. Reach overhead as high as possible, then alternate which arm reaches higher, climbing an imaginary rope ladder. 2. With legs slightly apart, bend forward with a flat back, stretching the back of your thighs. Then relax as your fingers reach toward the ground. Don’t bounce; there’s no need to actually touch your toes. Alternate stretching toward your right toe, then your left, back to the center, and bend your knees as you stand back up. 3. Bend at the waist to the left, then right. With hands on hips, twist to look behind you each direction. 4. Shrug your shoulders up and down, forward and back a few times, then do gentle neck rolls in each direction. 5. Windmill your arms front to back, back to front, and around to the sides. 6. Bend one leg to the side, straighten­ing and stretching the opposite leg. Repeat on the other side. 7. Face forward, stretch one leg behind and bend the forward knee. Stretch your hind heel toward the ground. Switch legs. 8. Squat down in a plié, keeping your back straight. 9. Balance on one foot, bend and hug your other knee towards your chest. Repeat on other side. 10. Jog in place for three or four steps. Your horse will soon learn that this means you’re about to mount up.

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