Horse & Rider

Train at Home


Learn how to send your horse over an obstacle at home. Use the same halter and lead you’ll use on the trail. This way, he’ll associate the halter’s pressure and his at-home training with your on-trail cues.

Start with mannerly leading. Carry a short dressage whip or stick to warn your horse not to pass your shoulder with his nose. If he doesn’t listen, back him by tapping the front of his cannon bones with the whip or stick.

When your horse politely walks at your heels, move on to teaching him to cross obstacles at your cue. Start with a tarp. Lead him to the tarp, then step to the side as you encourage him forward. When he stops to check out the tarp, release the pressure. Eventually he’ll get bored and step on it. In time, one step will become two and three until he’s eventually crossing it on his own.

Progress to more difficult challenges, such as cavalletti­s and small jumps. Create your own obstacles using piles of sticks, stacked railroad ties, and large tires. Mimic the variable difficult terrain of the trail as closely as you can.

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