Horse Illustrated



No one can prepare ahead of time for the emergency vet visit, but you can keep these helpful tips in mind the next time you need the vet for a bleeding laceration or an episode of colic.

Assess the situation, then relay the informatio­n to your vet as calmly as you can so they know what they’re dealing with before they arrive.

“It depends on the situation, but a brief assessment of what the owner thinks is going on can be helpful,” says Christine Cocquyt, DVM, who works at Tennessee Equine Hospital in Thompsons Station, Tenn. “How is the horse acting? Have there been any major changes recently that might have contribute­d to the problem?”

Don’t put medication­s on an open wound without consulting your vet first, cautions Elise Jones, DVM, who owns and operates Stable and Stock Veterinary Services in Watertown, Tenn.

“The main thing is not to put anything on a wound,” she says. “Depending on what you pick, you can change the color of the wound, impede tissue healing or make it harder for me to tell if there’s joint involvemen­t.”

Put your own safety first. As much as you might want to help a horse that’s become cast in his stall or that might be down and thrashing, use common sense and wait for profession­al help.

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