Horse Illustrated



Laws vary from state to state regarding the use of cannabis products, so it’s best to check your state’s regulation­s before purchase. Like other equine supplement­s, these products are not regulated by the FDA. many horse owners shop online—but do your homework before clicking “buy now.”

For safety’s sake, consider only CBD products made in the u.s. or canada from organicall­y grown hemp to avoid contaminat­ion from chemicals, heavy metals or other toxins in the soil.

You’ll find CBD products for horses in a number of forms, including pellets, powders and oils. whatever the form, the label should specify the amount of CBD per dose.

Look on the company’s website for a certificat­e of analysis (coa) showing the product has been third-party tested and is free of thc, heavy metals, mold, et cetera.

there are different ways of extracting CBD from the plant, and reputable manufactur­ers should note this.

“co2 extraction and ethanol extraction are the gold standard extraction methods,” says joyce harman, Dvm, a Flint hill, va., veterinari­an who specialize­s in acupunctur­e and chiropract­ic care. “what you don’t want are chemical extraction methods. some of the cheaper products may have been extracted using toxic chemicals.

“there is no standardiz­ation, so the best way to know you’re getting a good product is to go with one that has an nasc quality seal so you know it contains what it says on the label,” she adds.

the nasc quality seal guarantees the product is made by a member of the national animal supplement council, which has undergone a scrupulous independen­t quality audit and adheres to stringent guidelines for manufactur­ing, labeling and adverse event reporting.

 ??  ?? CBD can be extracted from the flowers, stems and leaves of the cannibis plant, but not the seeds or roots. Pellets, powders and oils are popular forms of the product for purchase.
CBD can be extracted from the flowers, stems and leaves of the cannibis plant, but not the seeds or roots. Pellets, powders and oils are popular forms of the product for purchase.

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