Houston Chronicle Sunday

Testing the truth in political ads

- By Glenn Kessler

Pity the poor voter in a swing state in the final weeks of this campaign, hit by a stream of ads from President Barack Obama andMitt Romney.

Here’s a review of some of the ads the candidates have aired most often.



Obama talks directly to the camera and outlines his plans for the nation. We had previously criticized this ad for Obama’s claim that Romney would “double down” on the same tax- cut and regulatory policies that caused the economic crisis. There is no evidence that the GeorgeW. Bush tax cuts led to the crisis. In this ad, Obama also repeats a claim we have frequently faulted— that the savings from ending the wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq can be used for nation- building at home and to reduce the deficit. It is a budgetary gimmick that still puts the money on the credit card that Obama has long decried.

“Heard it all before”:

This ad trashes Romney’s economic record as Massachuse­tts governor, frequently stretching the truth. It claimsMass­achusetts was 47th in job creation in the nation, but that is a blended four- year rating, and thus ignores the fact that Romney boosted the state’s standing— from 50th to 28th.


“These hands”:

This ad features a small- businessma­n who denounces Obama for his comments— taken out of context— that “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” The full comment, made in a campaign speech, makes it pretty clear that the “that” referred to roads and bridges, as part of a riff on how the wealthy should give something back to the government because they benefit from it in many ways.

“Stand Up to China”:

The ad claims that Obama’s policies toward China have “cost us 2 million jobs.” The claim was based on a 2011 report from the Internatio­nal Trade Commission, which noted that improving protection of intellectu­alproperty rights could lead to an additional 2.1 million jobs. But that is not a result of Obama’s policies.

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