Houston Chronicle Sunday

What leads a woman to an abortion?


CHICAGO— They say they were using birth control, but it failed.

One woman would have had the baby but the man she was in a relationsh­ip with didn’t want her to. Anotherwas having an affair with a married man and viewed a pregnancy as unthinkabl­e. A third woman’s health would be at risk if she continued her pregnancy.

Nearly 1 million women have abortions in the U. S. each year. What leads them to that choice?

“There’s this false idea that certain types of women have abortions and different types of women have babies,” says bioethicis­t and gynecologi­st Dr. Lisa Harris. “They’re really the same types of women at different points in their lives.”

It’s hard to find women willing to talk about it. The Associated Press contacted eight abortion providers and three groups that work with abortion patients. No women were willing to talk.

Ultimately, the AP found three women through a nonpolitic­al online support group, www. afterabort­ion. com, for those who struggle emotionall­y after their abortions. They may not be typical of themajorit­y who have abortions.

A fourth woman who considered abortion but didn’t have one agreed to talk after her doctor asked her to consider AP’s request.

The women spoke by phone and e- mail on condition of anonymity for privacy reasons, and because of shame, concern over hurting loved ones, or fear of harassment from abortion foes. AP verified their names, ages, locations, and abortion circumstan­ces asmuch as possible through a public records database, phone calls and other sources.

These are their stories:

‘ Kind of in shock’

A 24- year- old woman in Chicago, working as a bookkeeper, discovered she was pregnant earlier this year.

She’d been using a contracept­ive patch that she thought was almost 100 percent effective. A missed period was the first clue it had failed.

“I was kind of in shock. I took like five home tests, five days in a row. Everyday was positive,” she said.

Shewent to her gynecologi­st to confirm the pregnancy and talk about options.

“The moment I said that I was thinking about not keeping it, she stood up out of her chair and said, ‘ This is a Catholic hospital. I could get in so much trouble for talking to you.’”

Illinois has lenient laws, no required waiting period, and there are several abortion clinics in the Chicago area. The woman found that while “abortions are easy to get in Chicago, advice about them is not.”

She scoured online sites seeking objective informatio­n and made an appointmen­t at a center that advertised confidenti­al counseling and free ultrasound­s. It turned out to be a religious antiaborti­on group.

“The first thing they did was hand me a Bible. They started showingme these pictures and videos” of aborted fetuses, she said.

She said she wanted to leave. But she also wanted that free ultrasound, hoping against hope that it would show she had miscarried. Watching the video was part of the center’s requiremen­t.

After the ultrasound, the counselor said she was 9 weeks pregnant and gave her a tiny doll supposedly the same size.

The young woman said she would have considered continuing the pregnancy and putting the baby up for adoption, but that the man she was in a relationsh­ip with pressured her into going through with an abortion.

On June 23, she went to a private clinic where there were about 20 women in the small, strangely silent waiting room. “Every once in a while you’d see a woman start to cry,” she said.

It turned out she was 14 weeks pregnant, further along than the anti- abortion counselor had told her. She paid $ 1,250 for the abortion. Her insurance wouldn’t cover it.

She said she developed an infection that kept her out of work for several weeks. That’s unusual. Fewer than 2 percent of women get obstetric infections after an abortion and the risk ismuch higher after childbirth, according to an analysis of national data published earlier this year.

The woman said because of the long absence, she lost her job but has since found another one.

Woman faced death

A 21- year- old retail worker in Rockford, Ill., was engaged to be married when she had an abortion on Feb. 23, 2011. Her doctor had told her a pregnancy could kill her.

She said she had a rare but benign brain tumor, and surgery had failed to remove all of it. There is evidence that hormonal changes in pregnancy can fuel growth of these tumors.

Now married, she said she probably would have continued the pregnancy if it hadn’t put her life in danger. She was raised in a religious family and worries how her parents will react if they find out about the abortion.

She said she and her fiancé used condoms and she was on the pill when she discovered she was pregnant. Her first reaction after taking a home pregnancy test was, “This has to be wrong!” She took a second test and got the same results.

Twoweeks later, when she was about five weeks along, she used $ 550 in savings for a surgical abortion at Rockford’s only abortion clinic. It later closed.

So early in pregnancy, she could have used the abortion pill instead of having amedical procedure. But that would have required a return visit to the clinic, something she said she wanted to avoid.

Abortion protesters were picketing outside when the young couple arrived in the parking lot thatmornin­g. One protester was particular­ly persistent.

“She was just blatantly yelling atmy fiancé and I. I turned around and said, ‘ Listen, lady, you don’t know what everyone is going through.’ She was just saying that I was already amom and I have all these options— the opposite of whatmy doctor was tellingme.

“I looked at her and told her, ‘ I’mdoing this to savemy life.’”

Affair forced choice

An unplanned pregnancy during an affair with amarried man is what led a 36- year- old Minneapoli­s area teacher to have an abortion, on Aug. 3.

They had been using spermicide for birth control, a method described as about 75 percent effective with typical use.

A missed period and pregnancy test confirmed her fears.

“I cried for like 36 hours,” she said. Estranged from her husband, and with a young daughter, she said continuing the pregnancy was unthinkabl­e.

Though she and the man she was having a relationsh­ip with were raised Catholic, she considers herself “pro- choice — I just never thought I’d have to make that choice myself.”

Minnesota requires a 24- hour waiting period, so she called an area clinic to schedule the abortion, spoke to a doctor and went in for the procedure the next day.

She had friends and her partner had relatives who had protested at the same clinic. But on this day she didn’t recognize any of the activists there.

The protesters tried to hand her pamphlets as she drove into the parking lot, but she closed her car windows.

Shewas only five weeks pregnant, so chose to have amedical abortion, meaning she could use the “abortion pill.” That involved taking one pill at the clinic, and four others within the next 72 hours to finish the process. Her private insurance covered it, costing her only a $ 25 out- ofpocket co- payment.

Before the abortion, a clinic worker took an ultrasound and asked if she wanted to see the image. “I did want to see it,” she said. “Just because I didn’t get to keep this one doesn’t make it any less my child.”

“A pregnancy under any other circumstan­ces would have been welcomed and rejoiced inmy life,” she said.

Fetus’ rare disease

A 31- year- old mother in South Dakota learned how difficult it is to get an abortion there when a doomed pregnancy led her to consider it.

In two previous pregnancie­s, the fetus was afflicted with a rare, inherited and ultimately fatal condition called achondroge­nesis, her doctor said. It causes deadly deformitie­s. One of the babies died an hour after birth; the other was stillborn.

The Rapid City woman gave birth to two healthy children after that and decided to have another child.

But early in the pregnancy this year she learned this fetus was afflicted, too.

The woman said she was worried she would develop breathing problems that had plagued her during one of her earlier pregnancie­s.

But the condition wasn’t life- threatenin­g, her doctor said.

The woman’s husband has a chronic illness, and with two children to raise, she said shewas worried about endangerin­g her health.

“That wasmy main reason for considerin­g abortion this time. I needed to be here formy kids,” she said.

Her baby was delivered stillborn Oct. 14 during an emergency cesarean section. Complicati­ons developed and she lost a lot of blood but is recovering, her husband said.

Few South Dakota doctors perform abortions and the state’s only abortion clinic is a nearly six- hour drive to the east, in Sioux Falls.

Her obstetrici­an, Dr. Marvin Buehner, treats high- risk pregnancie­s and does a few abortions each year when pregnancy endangers the mother’s life or health. But his hospital prohibits abortions otherwise.

Also, Medicaid pays for abortions in South Dakota only when the mother’s life is at risk, or in cases of rape or incest.

An abortion would require traveling across the state, paying for lodging during the required two- day waiting period, plus hundreds of dollars for the procedure.

“In South Dakota, you have to be almost close to death” to get an abortion, she said. “That kind of worriesme.”

Her religion helps her cope and she is philosophi­cal.

She believes she will be reunited with her lost babies in heaven.

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