Houston Chronicle Sunday

Absolute right or privilege?


Regarding “Voting rights” ( Page B6, Wednesday), my eyebrowswe­nt upwhen I read the letter about voting rights. The writer suggests exploring a constituti­onal amendment to address the issue of guaranteei­ng voting rights.

I immediatel­ywent to checkmy copy of theU. S. Constituti­on and the Bill of Rights. While the writer is, as far as I can see, correct in his assertion that the U. S. Constituti­on itself does not guarantee the right to vote, there are four amendments to the Bill of Rights that address the issue. Specifical­ly, Amendment 15 ( 1870), Amendment 19 ( 1920), Amendment 24 ( 1964) and Amendment 26 ( 1971).

These amendments guarantee the right of citizens to vote regardless of race, color, gender, age and prohibit poll taxes. make the issue emotional, which gains public support, versus using logic, which leaves people unmoved in the face of truth. should have done whenMadaly­nMurray O’Hair had prayer thrown out of schools. What a different world we would have if those of belief had had the strength to stand and fight this cancer on society. The state should counter sue Wisconsin- based Freedom From Religion Foundation for all the public funds used to bring this issue to the courts.

As a Texan, taxpayer and Christian, I am tired of those people trying to place their opinions on others. Those parents who filed on the Kountze ISD are to be commended for this action.

Let others stand up and defend their rights and beliefs. howthe I- 10 expansion has made driving theKaty Freeway somuch more pleasant for all of us without even mentioning­U. S. Rep. John Culberson, aHoustonRe­publican, and howinstrum­ental hewas in making it happen.

Not only did he make it happen, it happened in record time and under budget. Iwas always amazed hownavigab­le it remained during the constructi­on phase, whichwas 24- 7.

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