Houston Chronicle Sunday

Energy, environmen­tal policies are on the line

- By Jennifer A. Dlouhy

WASHINGTON— When voters head to the ballot box Nov. 6, theywon’t just be electing a president for the next four years— they also effectivel­y will select a whole slew of government leaders who will chart the U. S. course on energy and environmen­tal issues.

Although neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney has specifical­ly said who would lead the department­s of Energy and Interior and the Environmen­tal Protection Agency under their watches, the candidates have given some signals about the kinds of people they would choose.

Their ideal picks would withstand political pressure to push the White House’s priorities while drawing on relevant experience and expertise, noted Brandon Rottinghau­s, an associate political science professor at the University of Houston.

But the candidates— whether they are Nobel laureates, like Obama’s current energy secretary, Steven Chu, or longtime politician­s, such as Interior Secretary Ken Salazar— also need to survive Senate confirmati­on.

That process could be especially bloody if Obama wins and Republican­s take Senate control, or if Democrats hold the upper chamber but Romney captures the White House.

The confirmati­on hearings in early 2013 will give senators a chance to highlight their complaints about energy policies and try to extract pledges from the Cabinet nominees about their plans for regulating industry, enforcing environmen­tal laws and selling drilling leases.

“The most important element for Obama energy and environmen­t appointmen­ts is that Senate Republican­s could wage pitched confirmati­on battles to bully the administra­tion into weakening public health safeguards,” predicted Dan Weiss, a fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Customaril­y, when presidents are re- elected, their Cabinet secretarie­s hand in resigna--

tions, though manymay be invited back. With little Cabinet turnover during Obama’s first four years in office, political experts say some changes would be inevitable if he won a second term. Among the likely contenders to leave: EPA Administra­tor Lisa Jackson and Chu, who heads the sprawling $ 26 billion Department of Energy.

Where Obama might seek to elevate existing agency leaders and tap state regulators, Romney has signaled that hewould be looking for people with business experience.

Here’s a look at some of the potential choices: advancing renewable energy and warning about the threats of climate change during nearly two decades in Congress.

Luis Fortuño,

the governor of Puerto Rico: Fortuño’s Hispanic heritage is a plus electorall­y. Fortuño has worked to balance economic developmen­t with environmen­tal stewardshi­p, the same challenge facing Interior.

Dave Freudentha­l,

the Democratic former governor ofWyoming: WithWyomin­g’s 41,000 square miles of federal lands, Freudentha­l would be a natural pick if Romney were looking for a Western Democrat to fill the Interior spot.


Democratic representa­tive from Utah. If Matheson doesn’t win another term in the House, Romney could see this fellowMorm­on’s Utah background as an asset at Interior. In Congress, the Energy and Commerce Committee member has been a reliable oil and gas industry ally.

Brian Schweitzer,

Montana’s Democratic governor: Another potential Democrat in a Republican administra­tion, Schweitzer has been a champion of wind power and other alternativ­e energy inMontana.

Jack Gerard,

president of the American Petroleum Institute: Profiled below.

Tony Garza, former U. S. ambassador toMexico under President GeorgeW. Bush and chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission before that; Ken Buck, district attorney for Colorado’sWeld County who made an unsuccessf­ul tea party- backed bid for the Senate in 2010.


sometimes pick former Transporta­tion secretarie­s to take the energy role, such as Federico Peña under former President Bill Clinton— making Ray LaHood a possible Obama pick.

Obama already broke the mold for Cabinet secretarie­s when he picked Chu, a scientist and selfdescri­bed nerd with no government experience. But with energy issues in the spotlight, both Obama and Romney may want someone with more political experience.

“Romney is going to learn some lessons from some of the appointmen­ts that the Obama folks made and probably won’t put political neophytes in positions that are inherently political,” predicted FrankMaisa­no, an energy specialist at the Houstonbas­ed law firm of Bracewell & Giuliani.

Daniel Esty,

commission­er of the Connecticu­t Department of Energy and Environmen­tal Protection: Esty collaborat­ed with Gov. DannelMall­oy to develop a clean energy bank in the state that aims to lure private capital to developing alternativ­e energy technologi­es and could be amodel for a federal investment program.

chairman and CEO of Exelon Corp.: As head of one of the nation’s biggest electric utility companies, Rowe is no stranger to Washington, D. C., where he has frequently spoken in favor of plans for tackling climate change by putting a price tag on greenhouse gas emissions. Rowe’s private sector experience and background with nuclear power also make him a top Romney candidate.

former Democratic governor of Iowa: After losing a bid for re- election in 2010,

John Rowe,

Chet Culver,

Culver founded a renewable energy consultanc­y, building on thework he did as Iowa’s top executive to advance wind power.

Jack Gerard,

president of the American Petroleum Institute: After four years heading the nation’s largest oil and gas industry group, Gerard may be itching to push the sector’s priorities from within the Romney administra­tion. Gerard is also mentioned as a potential chief of staff or interior secretary. But any of those roles would mean leaving a high- profile, high- wage job.

Dean Heller,

senator from Nevada: If the Republican loses his bid to keep the Senate seat he was appointed to last year, he could draw Romney’s eye as aWesterner with oil and gas knowledge— but also a green policy streak. Heller has played up his environmen­tal advocacy on the campaign trail.

David Kreutzer,

an economist and a research fellow in energy economics and climate change who has been at the conservati­ve think tank the Heritage Foundation for more than four years. He has been active in analyzing the effects of energy and climate change policy.

chairman and CEO of Exelon Corp: profiled above.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry; TomKuhn, president of the Edison Electric Institute; Linda Stuntz, a former deputy Energy secretary under George H. W. Bush and a Romney campaign surrogate; and formerMiss­ouri Senator- turned- lobbyist JimTalent.

John Rowe,


Congressio­nal aides sometimes joke that the head of the EPA spends more time on Capitol Hill than the lawmakers who call her to testify. No matter who fills the job, he or she can expect to be a target for congressio­nal criticism— be it for over- regulating industry or weakening environmen­tal protection­s. The next EPA administra­tor is likely to oversee highprofil­e policy governing greenhouse gas emissions. The agency could play a key role in regulating the use of hydraulic fracturing technology.

Bob Perciasepe,

deputy EPA administra­tor. He has years of experience at the agency, where he also ran the air and water programs two times under Clinton. Previously, Perciasepe was the chief operating officer at the National Audubon Society. Frank O’Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch, said Perciasepe is “a smart, pragmatic guy” who is “probably not likely to get toomuch opposition from industry.”

the head of California’s Air Resources Board. Nichols, another Clinton EPA veteran, may relish her role advancing California’s climate change program toomuch towant to hop into the EPA hot seat. Picking Nichols would show that Obama wants to getmore aggressive on environmen­tal issues.

Mary Nichols,


assistant administra­tor for EPA’s office of Air and Radiation. McCarthy is a regular witness on congressio­nal hearing stands, where she has defended the Obama administra­tion’s approach to greenhouse gas emissions and cutting smog. McCarthy also hasMassach­usetts roots; she served in a variety of environmen­tal roles there before becoming Romney’s undersecre­tary for policy at the Executive Office for Environmen­tal Affairs.

Other options:

Daniel Esty, profiled above; KathleenMc­Ginty, former secretary of Pennsylvan­ia’s Department of Environmen­tal Protection.

Jim Connaughto­n,

former head of the White House Council on Environmen­tal Quality under GeorgeW. Bush: Since then, he’s been in the energy industry, first as a lobbyist for Constellat­ion Energy and most recently as an executive vice president at Exelon Corp. While Connaughto­n is viewed as more conservati­ve than most environmen­talists, he still could be seen as too moderate for Romney’s base. Connaughto­n, who like Romney isMormon, has been a big donor to the GOP candidate and the Republican Party.

director of the Ohio Environmen­tal Protection Agency: Nally has regulated oil and gas drilling in Ohio and battled a company’s bid to send treated drilling wastewater to treatment plants. He also drew attention this year for breaking with the National Associatio­n of Clean Air Agencies over its support of EPA policies and trying to recruit like- minded state regulators to form their own organizati­on. Nally could help politicall­y, given Ohio’s swing- state status.

Scott Nally,

Jeff Holmstead,

lobbyist at Bracewell & Giuliani: The former assistant EPA administra­tor from 2001- 2005, Holmstead was the architect of clean air policies under former President George W. Bush. He could face a confirmati­on battle over his client list, which reads like aWho’sWho of electric utilities and coal producers.

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