Houston Chronicle Sunday

Vetting the Associated mess Predispose­d


Regarding “GOP, Dems challenge Holder on subpoenas to AP” (Page A4, Thursday), U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has shown himself to be biased in the past against the Obama administra­tion and especially against Eric Holder.

But one fact he ignores is that Issa himself voted against the shield law, which was called “The Free Flow of Informatio­n Act,” that would have made stronger rules requiring the Department of Justice to protect journalist­s’ rights.

Ron Curtis, Houston a complete vetting of this president prior to the first election and of his policies since being elected, the AP has emboldened this administra­tion to the point where (it appears) that whatever they want to do is considered legal.

And now, the American people are expected to believe that the Justice Department will honestly investigat­e the IRS targeting of conservati­ves?

An honest, impartial, independen­t press is the primary safeguard of our country and our liberties.

Pat Wetusk, Kingwood to find out about the leak but don’t tell me because I want to insulate myself from any fallout if something bad happens from your actions?

This seems to be standard operating procedure for Holder: blame a subordinat­e for something that goes wrong in his department, like what happended in the “Fast and Furious” case.

If Holder cannot supervise or control his subordinat­es, then maybe he shouldn’t be attorney general.

Robert M. Louie, Houston

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