Houston Chronicle Sunday

Choose what you eat


Regarding “Monsanto wins seed patent ruling” (Page B8, Tuesday), why are the chemical companies in charge of the food we eat? Special seeds that resist disease tell me we are eating more geneticall­y engineered products.

Our farmers are at the mercy of the chemical industry, if they want to be in business. The Supreme Court favors agribusine­ss. Shame on it.

Natural foods that come out of the Earth are for me and always will be. I have seen acres of corn growing in a row that is all the same. Has it been cloned from one seed?

We can never win against the giant chemical companies, but we we can choose products that are are natural, as they were meant to be.

Noel Foreman, Houston because there was an opportunit­y to reach that goal, unattainab­le in their land of birth. And, whether the label is “class,” “income” or some other euphemism, the reality still exists that some in society live a life of ease, while many struggle to obtain the basic needs we all require to survive.

Appreciati­ng our heritage and committing to its preservati­on does not mean we become blind to the facts before us. Like it or not, we live in societal strata and our goal must be to appreciate fortunate circumstan­ces where they occur, while aiding those whose efforts have not been met with the same success.

Carol Godell, Spring

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