Houston Chronicle Sunday

Could huge sunburst unplug Earth?

- By Rick Montgomery

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — When the sun got ornery in 1859, American telegraph operators saw sparks fly.

A huge solar flare belched a cloud of charged particles into Earth’s path. But other than frying telegraph lines, the electromag­netic collision caused little stir in the world.

Nobody back then had yet switched on a decent light bulb, much less charged an iPhone.

Yet the sun hasn’t changed its ways, and that worries University of Kansas physicist Adrian Melott, among others. What if the remnants of a similar solar flare struck the planet today?

“Gee, I’d be without cable TV,” Melott deadpanned.

Without email too, some fear. No heating or cooling. No electric grid.

Satellite technology, it was nice knowing you.

A silent disaster

This is the scenario rolling out from a growing network of scientists, policymake­rs and survivalis­ts. Not quite doomsday because life itself would continue, but a silent natural disaster that could unplug us from all we depend upon.

“It’s happened before, as recently as 1989,” said astrophysi­cist David Hathaway of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. “That geomagneti­c storm took out a big transforme­r in New Jersey.”

Still, it was no “Carrington event,” named for British astronomer Richard Carrington, who charted the 1859 solar burst.

Scientists today regard what happened in 1989 as a mere sun-to-Earth wake-up call, an electromag­netic puff, though strong enough to knock out power in Quebec and parts of the U.S. Northeast.

Hathaway said the Big One, Carrington-style, “could be catastroph­ic,” leaving much of North America without juice for months or years.

A 2009 study by the National Academy of Sciences warned that a mas- sive geomagneti­c assault on satellites and interconne­cted power grids could result in a blackout from which the nation might need four to 10 years to recover. Sound like Y2K? “The Earth is in peril, and people love that,” said Benjamin Radford, deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine. “There is this certain human fascinatio­n with disaster.

“This one’s a little eccentric. But given a world so interconne­cted and dependent on technology, with all our cellphones and computers, there’s some legitimate scientific concern about this.”

Odds of an electronic­s Armageddon anytime soon are far from clear.

Because solar storms occur regularly, with magnetic loops flaring and twisting around sunspots, government weather scientists say it’s inevitable that Earth will, on rare occasion, get bonked by what they call a “coronal mass ejection.”

A cloud of solar plasma, depending on the magnetic makeup of its electrons, could penetrate and shake the planet’s magnetic field, if the sun’s aim is just so.

Some say a super CME, capable of shorting out satellites around the globe and frying electric lines across a continent, might be a once-in-a-century event.

In May 2012, a U.S. Geological Survey report estimated a 6 percent chance of another Carrington event occurring in the next decade.

That 1859 buzz

Still other researcher­s, such as NASA’s Hathaway, point out that for an event that big, the statistics are too flimsy to measure.

The uncertaint­y rests in the relatively brief span of time in which scientists have recorded a link between sunbursts and electromag­netic fluctuatio­ns on Earth, the first being Carrington’s observatio­ns on Sept. 1, 1859.

And even then, the world knew about it only because an emerging technology went haywire.

“Telegraph systems, the Internet of that age,” said Daniel Baker, director of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheri­c and Space Physics.

Sparks shocked telegraph operators and set fire to their paper.

Electric surges created enough juice in some telegraph lines that operators were able to communicat­e even after disconnect­ing their batteries.

According to newspaper accounts, the Northern Lights could be viewed as far south as the Caribbean, the result of electrical­ly charged particles from the sun entering Earth’s atmosphere.

 ?? John Sleezer / Kansas City Star ?? Scientists believe that solar flares could have a much greater impact on Earth than in the past because of the increasing use of technology.
John Sleezer / Kansas City Star Scientists believe that solar flares could have a much greater impact on Earth than in the past because of the increasing use of technology.

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