Houston Chronicle Sunday

Jindal headlines all-day prayer rally in Baton Rouge

- By Melinda Deslatte

BATON ROUGE, La. — Gov. Bobby Jindal told Christian evangelica­ls gathered at an all-day prayer rally Saturday that the nation needs a “spiritual revival,” as he continued to court religious conservati­ves for a possible presidenti­al campaign.

The rally attracted thousands to the basketball arena on LSU’s campus but drew controvers­y both because of the group hosting it, the American Family Associatio­n, and Jindal’s well-advertised headlining appearance.

The two-term Republican governor opened the event by urging a revival to “begin right here, right here in our hearts.” Later Saturday afternoon, he described his conversion to Christiani­ty as a teenager.

While people sang, raised their hands in prayer and gave their personal testimonie­s inside the arena, hundreds more protested the event outside early in the day.

Jindal insisted the rally was a religious event, not a political one — even as participan­ts prayed for religion to guide political decision-making.

“Today is about hum- bling ourselves before the Lord. Today we repent for our sins,” he said. Later Jindal told attendees: “We can’t just elect a candidate to fix our country. … We need a spiritual revival to fix our country.”

Jindal has held meetings with pastors in the key presidenti­al campaign states of Iowa and New Hampshire and spoken at gatherings of faith leaders and conservati­ve activists in several states, trying to gain traction among a crowded field of potential candidates in the hunt for the 2016 GOP nomination.

 ?? Jonathan Bachman / AP ?? Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says Saturday’s event was not political.
Jonathan Bachman / AP Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says Saturday’s event was not political.

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