Houston Chronicle Sunday

The Texas primary takes shapes early

- By Bobby Cervantes

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and former Gov. Rick Perry may have home-state advantages in Texas, but the contest for Republican voters here is hardly settled, offering other candidates the opportunit­y to gain valuable ground in the next several months.

Cruz is leading the pack – with 20 percent – in the GOP primary among registered voters, according to a University of Texas at Austin/Texas Tribune poll released Monday. Behind the junior Texas senator is Perry, who has 12 percent, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the national leader in several recent polls, with 10 percent.

Among the other candidates, former Gov. Jeb Bush stands at 7 percent. As he swings thorough Texas this week for several fundraiser­s, Bush will be aiming directly at that home-field advantage of Perry and Cruz. And it’s evident that, for Perry at least, being on the offensive is very much part of his plan.

Over the weekend, the former Texas governor slammed Bush – both former executives who have made that experience centerpiec­es of their campaigns – on his connection to Texas, seemingly sending a warning shot to Bush if he thought he could win here.

“Jeb has to be careful about his criticism of bypassing Texas because the bulk of that, his brother was governor, and his brother’s probably not going to take very kindly to him saying ‘we kicked Texas’ butt,’” Perry told Breitbart. “But, you know, I’ll let him work that out with this brother.”

Bush has the support of at least one major statewide officehold­er. House Speaker Joe Straus has endorsed Bush, citing their families’ long ties and Straus’ calculatio­n that Bush has the best chance of retaking the White House for Republican­s. Bush also is backed by former U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

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 ?? Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ?? Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian newspaper holds images of possible Republican candidates.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian newspaper holds images of possible Republican candidates.

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