Houston Chronicle Sunday

3 Americans praised for subduing gunman on train

Servicemen, student were joined by Briton in fighting attacker

- By Elaine Ganley and Nadine Achoui-Lesage

PARIS — A heavily armed man with ties to radical Islam who was known in three European countries as potentiall­y dangerous escaped the radar when he boarded a high-speed train — but not the courage of three American passengers who took him down.

Two U.S. servicemen, one in the Air Force, another who recently served in Afghanista­n in the National Guard, and their friend who is a student, tackled and disarmed the gunman with the help of a Briton, winning trans-Atlantic kudos.

Ayoub El-Khazzani, 26, was being questioned by French counter-terrorism police who confirmed through fingerprin­ts their suspicions that he was the man on their radar since February 2014. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Spanish authoritie­s had advised French intelligen­ce about him because he belongs to the “radical Islamist movement.”

Gunman never spoke

As the Amsterdam to Paris train passed through Belgium, a French citizen trying to use the toilet encountere­d and tried to subdue the gunman, who had a Kalashniko­v strapped across his shoulder, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said, adding him to the heroes list.

Bullets sounded and the Americans moved in. The train, in Belgium, was rerouted to Arras in northern France, the nearest station, where El-Khazzani was arrested.

A duel French-American citizen with a bullet wound was helicopter­ed to a hospital in nearby Lille and the Air Force man, Spencer Stone, was taken to another Lille hospital for a hand injury. He was released at day’s end. Police in Arras questioned his two friends. A heavily guarded cortege was seen arriving Saturday night at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Paris, apparently escorting the three.

Stone, of Carmichael, Calif.; Anthony Sadler, a senior at Sacramento State University; and Alek Skarlatos, a National Guardsman from Roseburg, Ore., were traveling together when they heard a gunshot and breaking glass. Sadler told The Associated Press that they saw a train employee sprint down the aisle followed by a man with an automatic rifle.

“As he was cocking it to shoot it, Alek just yells, ‘Spencer, go!’ And Spencer runs down the aisle,” Sadler said.

Throughout the brief but terrifying episode, Sadler said, “The gunman never said a word.”

But with the weapons he carried, “he was there to do business,” Skarlatos said in an interview shown on French television.

Sadler’s father, Tony Sadler, said he received a call from his son after the drama.

“He leaves here a young man on an excursion to broaden his world view and to have fun with his buddies and he comes back France’s national hero,” Tony Sadler told Sacramento TV station KCR.

Visited Spanish mosque

French officials said the suspect had lived in the southern Spanish city of Algeciras, frequentin­g a mosque that is under surveillan­ce there. He was transferre­d Saturday morning to anti-terror police headquarte­rs outside Paris and can be held for up to 96 hours.

An official linked to Spain’s anti-terrorism unit said the suspect lived in Spain until 2014, then moved to France, traveled to Syria, and then returned to France.

The French official close to the investigat­ion said the French signal “sounded” on May 10 in Berlin, where El-Khazzani was flying to Turkey. The French transmitte­d this informatio­n to Spain, which advised on May 21 that he no longer lived there but in Belgium. The French then advised Belgium, according to the official close to the investigat­ion.

“We don’t know if he went on to Syria, if he returned,” the official said.

The Belgian federal prosecutor’s office has also opened an investigat­ion because the suspect boarded the train in Brussels, said spokesman Eric Van der Sypt. Belgium also announced it was imposing stricter security on trains.

Heightened alert

French authoritie­s are on heightened alert after Islamic extremist attacks in January left 20 people dead, including the three gunmen. In June, a lone attacker claiming allegiance to Islamic radicals beheaded his employer and set off an explosion at an American-owned factory in France, raising concerns about other scattered, hard-to-predict attacks.

Skarlatos, 22, had returned from a deployment in Afghanista­n in July, and Stone is stationed in the Azores, according to Skarlatos’ step-mother Karen Skarlatos.

 ?? Virginia Mayo / Associated Press ?? A wounded Spencer Stone waves Saturday as he leaves the police station in Arras, northern France. Stone, an American, is one of the passengers credited with taking down the gunman.
Virginia Mayo / Associated Press A wounded Spencer Stone waves Saturday as he leaves the police station in Arras, northern France. Stone, an American, is one of the passengers credited with taking down the gunman.
 ?? Arras, France, City Hall via AP ?? Anthony Sadler, left, a senior at Sacramento State University; Alek Skarlatos, a National Guardsman from Roseburg, Ore.; and Briton Chris Norman helped fight the gunman. They showed medals they received from Arras Mayor Fredric Leturque.
Arras, France, City Hall via AP Anthony Sadler, left, a senior at Sacramento State University; Alek Skarlatos, a National Guardsman from Roseburg, Ore.; and Briton Chris Norman helped fight the gunman. They showed medals they received from Arras Mayor Fredric Leturque.

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