Houston Chronicle Sunday



1. Portraits of Courage: By George W. Bush. Sixty-six color paintings and a four-panel mural, accompanie­d by brief biographie­s, show members of the military who have served since 9/11. By the former president.

2. Hillbilly Elegy: By J.D. Vance. A Yale Law School graduate looks at the struggles of America’s white working class through his own childhood in the Rust Belt.

3. Killing the Rising Sun: By Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. The host of “The O’Reilly Factor” recounts the final years of World War II.

4. The Book of Joy: By the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams. Two spiritual leaders discuss how to find joy in the face of suffering.

5. Homo Deus: By Yuval Noah Harari. A provocativ­e look into the future by the author of “Sapiens.”

6. Big Agenda: By David Horowitz. A battle plan for the Trump White House.

7. The Magnolia Story: By Chip Gaines and Joanna Gaines with Mark Dagostino. The lives of the couple who star in the HGTV show “Fixer Upper.”

8. This Life I Live: By Rory Feek. The songwriter describes his difficult childhood, love for his wife, and her death from cancer in 2016.

9. Sapiens: By Yuval Noah Harari. How Homo sapiens became Earth’s dominant species.

10. When Breath Becomes Air: By Paul Kalanithi. A memoir by a physician who received a diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer at the age of 36.

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