Houston Chronicle Sunday

Ayesha Curry

is right at home with food and family

- By Joy Sewing joy.sewing@chron.com

The social media world loves Ayesha Curry, the stylish, beautiful culinary expert and wife of Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry.

With nearly 5 million Instagram followers, Curry chronicles her life, focused on family and food, through her posts. Last fall, she released a cookbook, “The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith and the Joy of Eating Well” (Hatchette) and debuted a Food Network cooking show, “Ayesha’s Home Kitchen,” an offshoot of her “Little Lights of Mine” YouTube channel.

Her NBA-star husband said he was going to delete his social media apps during the playoffs so he’d be able to focus. But he made an exception recently and did an Instagram story on cooking dinner for his wife with her new family-focused, meal-kit delivery service, Home Made.

Today, Curry’s line of kidfriendl­y tableware — a collaborat­ion with Cheeky Baby — hits shelves at Target. With each purchase, the company donates to No Kid Hungry, an organizati­on that provides meals for children in need.

We talked with the 28-yearold mother of two daughters, ages 1 and 4, about Mother’s Day, family dinners and how she avoids wearing “mom” jeans.

Q: What are you doing for Mother’s Day?

A: This will be my fifth Mother’s Day, and ours is different than most people’s. For some reason, every year it’s fallen on a game day. So I usually wake up to a nice card or a picture from the kids with breakfast, then we head off to the game for the rest of the day. So that’s usually how it is.

Q: Have you always been interested in cooking?

A: Yes, since I was a little girl, and I got heavy into it at 12 and fell in love with it. It’s not something I ever knew I could make a career of. It’s something I kind figured out for myself as I got older and started my own family. … So it’s so exciting and rewarding for me to try to carry on that tradition of the family meal and getting together because I think it’s something that’s being lost with my generation. I’ve been using food as a vessel to keep that tradition alive.

Q: Did you set out to conquer social media?

A: I don’t know how it happened (her 5 million followers), but for some reason it did. I’m really grateful. It’s special to be able to have that platform on social media and to talk about what I love so much. I know a lot of the people that follow along are very receptive. They like a call to action and love to make a change. So to be able to have the voice for people and be able to make a change is rewarding and exciting.

Q: What’s your hardest challenge as a mom?

A: I think the biggest thing for me — and I hope this doesn’t come across silly — but I’m a stressor. I tend to stress out about things that really don’t need to be stressful.

Q: So what do you do when you stress out?

A: My mom sent me a text the other day, and it’s definitely one of the coolest things she’s said to me. She said, “Honey if life gives you lemonade, put a little rum in it and keep it moving.” She’s right. Why am I putting inhibition­s on myself when there’s no reason to? The kids are healthy, everybody is happy. We’re good, so her advice has helped me a lot when I get stressed out trying to balance motherhood and a career at the same time.

Q: Any advice for young mothers?

A: I think as a mother, especially if you worry, you are always going to have mom guilt. It’s never going to go away, but you have to know there are women around you who feel the same way as well. So we have to lean on each other, talk to each other and use each other to keep ourselves focused. … Just don’t sweat the small stuff.

Q: Please tell me you haven’t resorted to wearing mom jeans since becoming a mother.

A: Everything is much more relaxed, that’s for sure. I love a good pair of sweatpants. Luckily, they make them really cute now, so I don’t have to worry too much.

Q: I don’t seen many posts of you in sweatpants on Instagram.

A: Oh, my goodness. Those are my good days, I guess.

Q: What’s the most fun thing about being a mom?

A: Getting to live your childhood the second and third time is the best part. As a grown woman, I still get to play dressup and make-believe with my girls. I get to watch them grow and see them exercise those things that we teach them on a daily basis. That’s been such a joy and makes it feel like you’re doing something right.

 ?? Sasha Gulish | Cheeky Baby ?? “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” Ayesha Curry says to young mothers.
Sasha Gulish | Cheeky Baby “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” Ayesha Curry says to young mothers.
 ??  ?? The line includes plastic and silicone dinnerware made just for little ones.
The line includes plastic and silicone dinnerware made just for little ones.
 ??  ?? Cheeky Baby and Ayesha Curry have launched a line of baby products at Target.
Cheeky Baby and Ayesha Curry have launched a line of baby products at Target.
 ??  ?? Curry’s “The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith, and the Joy of Eating Well” came out last year.
Curry’s “The Seasoned Life: Food, Family, Faith, and the Joy of Eating Well” came out last year.
 ??  ?? Steph and Ayesha Curry are parents to two daughters.
Steph and Ayesha Curry are parents to two daughters.
 ??  ?? Curry makes lemonade at her Orinda, Calif., home.
Curry makes lemonade at her Orinda, Calif., home.

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