Houston Chronicle Sunday

Did U.S. media hope Trump would fail abroad?

Kathleen Parker says journalist­s should hold the powerful accountabl­e. But they must also balance contending views.

- Parker’s email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost.com.

WASHINGTON — Many American journalist­s and others correctly objected to President Trump’s lambasting of the U.S. media in his speech Thursday in Poland, noting that his words were damaging to our internatio­nal status and democracie­s around the world.

Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, tweeted that Trump “dilutes respect for American democracy & gives license to autocrats to crack down on their own media.” Haass also was critical of Trump’s denigratin­g of the U.S. intelligen­ce community.

How dare the president diminish his country’s revered institutio­ns (please, hold your laughter until the end) while abroad? Clearly, the man is a bitter, narcissist­ic autocrat, one would have been justified in thinking.

Then Friday, as the world turned toward the much-anticipate­d meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump, it seemed the media were, without much self-awareness, committing the same sins for which they’d blasted Trump — basically underminin­g the president on foreign soil.

There was no mistaking a negative trend among commentato­rs as they imagined what might transpire between the two world leaders. If the media weren’t consciousl­y trying to undercut the president’s authority while he was overseas, then unconsciou­sly, they were doing a pretty good job.

No wonder Trump voters hate us. It would seem that even his harshest critics could have found ways to highlight his likely success than broadcast to the world the many reasons why he’d probably fail. Karma suggests at least this much. Moreover, it’s hard to claim the moral high ground when one is guilty of same. Besides, isn’t it written somewhere in The Human Handbook that you can pile on your brother in your own backyard, but not when he’s in someone else’s. Finally, Trump is the only president we have. When he’s traveling abroad as this week to the G-20 summit, his success and failures belong to us as well.

I don’t mean to suggest we scribes and pundits should have been a cheering squad. But it’s important to fairly consider why journalist­s are in such disfavor among a majority of Americans. Is Trump’s aggressive­ness toward the media, to some extent, earned? He’s not the first president to dislike the Fourth Estate, but he may be the president most disliked by the media since Richard Nixon.

As it turned out, Trump’s meeting went well enough with our principal geopolitic­al adversary (hat tip: Mitt Romney). No canines were paraded to establish whose dog was “bigger, stronger, faster,” as Putin once bragged to President George W. Bush upon presenting his hound in Russia. (Putin had met Bush’s Scotty on one of his visits to the U.S.)

Trump did reportedly bring up the hacking of the U.S. election, and the two did discuss Syria. Both topics were the source of much speculatio­n beforehand: If Trump didn’t bring up the hacking, then Putin, who admires power, would feel the victor and Trump would be guilty of derelictio­n of duty. This, more or less, was the overarchin­g consensus. Excepting only those who gather in the Fox News green rooms, Trump was predicted to fail in his first meeting with Putin.

Or, did we in the media hope he would fail? This is a question every journalist must ask him- or herself. Let’s be honest: If Trump didn’t stand up to Putin — and several scenarios involving a fire hydrant suggest themselves — then critics’ early warnings about his dangerous inadequaci­es would have been confirmed. If he did well, or emerged with some value gained, well, it’s a good thing shovels are cheap. Many of us have dug some cavernousl­y deep holes.

Let me be clear: I’m not a fan. But this doesn’t mean I don’t want Trump to be a successful president. He has given Americans and the world few reasons to admire, respect or trust him. But admittedly, we journalist­s don’t spend much time looking for positives. Some would say, that’s not our job. Holding the powerful accountabl­e is our job. While true, our success as a democratic nation requires a balance of contending views.

As wrong as I believe Trump was to air his personal grievances on the world stage, we often are wrong, too.

Some watched Trump’s Poland speech and found it tedious and meaningles­s. Others heard him say: “The fundamenta­l question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? I declare today for the world to hear the West will never, ever be broken, our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilizati­on will triumph.”

These were powerful, important words, let the record show.

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