Houston Chronicle Sunday


Evil is out there, but remember that God is always with you

- By Keion Henderson

Growing up in Indiana, I lived in a community that saw its fair share of tragedy. I still remember the terrible feeling I would have in the pit of my stomach as I prepared to go to sleep each night and would hear the sounds of ambulance sirens racing down desolate streets throughout my neighborho­od.

It was the feeling of uncertaint­y mixed with sadness for those who may have been desperatel­y needing help. I would find myself praying for those awaiting medical response, in hopes that all would be well for them quickly.

In life, we often experience difficult circumstan­ces that leave us feeling anxious, hopeless and grieved. Our attempts to make sense of heinous crimes and senseless tragedies lead us to search for a myriad of answers from humanity and divinity. In the darkest moments, our faith in God often is questioned.

The recent shootings at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs shook our country and churches to the core. The thought of 26 innocent lives taken during a worship service is unsettling and devastatin­g. This isn’t the first time the church has faced persecutio­n.

In the beginning of the early church’s history, the Bible references a passage of scripture about a man named Saul who persecuted the church, killing Christians for nothing more than believing in Christ. That scenario was nearly 2,000 years ago, and the church is still standing. That terrible experience couldn’t break the church and neither will the horrific incident in Sutherland Springs.

The church is built upon the Rock, and the gates of evil will never prevail against it. It doesn’t mean there won’t be future attempts of evil; it just means there won’t be success. I am certain that when First Baptist Church parishione­rs woke up last Sunday, they did not expect to encounter a tenacious battle for their lives. Historical­ly viewed as safe havens, our churches have encountere­d evil filled with reprehensi­ble devastatio­n. What should we do? In times of disaster, the church must remain strong and vigilant, reaching across congregati­ons, communitie­s and cities to join hands in fervent prayer for our nation. As a faith community, we have a responsibi­lity to educate our spiritual leaders

and laity on safety precaution­s, endeavorin­g to provide a secure environmen­t for our families and children.

The church must grow even in the most difficult circumstan­ces, arising in great faith to blanket our communitie­s with comfort and love during times of calamity. We are made stronger through our experience­s, which teach us how to look to God for guidance in all things.

While we may not have all of the answers to the First Baptist Church tragedy, we are reminded of God’s words in Isaiah 55:8-9:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

In crisis, people often ask, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” The truth is no one is exempt from life’s difficulti­es. It can happen, often without warning, to anyone. And while evil is present in our world, so is God’s presence and comfort during challengin­g times.

Evil doesn’t respect the grounds of festivals and community events, nor does it respect the hallways of sacred religious institutio­ns. When faced with tragedy, we often are confronted with doubt. Doubt leads us to believe that God is not with us, which ultimately can cause us to lose our faith.

God knew that in this life, we would struggle with unbelief; and as a result, He spoke words of reassuranc­e to help strengthen our faith. Even God suffered difficulty and understand­s what we face in times like these. The Bible reminds us in Psalms 46:1:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

The assurance we have is that no matter what trouble we may face in life, God is always with us and ready to help us through whatever we may experience.

In difficulty, our faith in God must be strengthen­ed by a focus on the positive outcome that arises from the darkest experience­s of life. There is always a greater purpose to be discovered through some of life’s most painful circumstan­ces.

When our faith is tested through tragedy, we must see it as an opportunit­y to grow in our belief in God. We can make a decision daily to choose joy over sadness and hope over sorrow. We can reflect on the grace of God in tragedy, not focusing on prevention but in our response through prayer.

My prayer is that you will find the comfort of God’s presence in this moment and rest in knowing he is right where you are. Keion Henderson is the pastor of The Lighthouse Church of Houston.

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