Houston Chronicle Sunday

Judge McSpadden disgraces our courts with rhetoric worthy of cable news.

Judge McSpadden disgraces our courts with rhetoric worthy of cable news punditry.


Some justices, like the late Antonin Scalia, consider themselves originalis­ts and look to the elementary meaning of laws. Other justices, like Stephen Breyer, subscribe to the doctrine of “active liberty.”

Here in Harris County, we should consider ourselves lucky that we’re able to watch State District Judge Michael McSpadden invent a totally new jurisprude­ntial ideology in real time: cable newsery.

Under this theory, judges can dispense with so-called facts and evidence and instead rely upon the hearsay and innuendo that gets shouted at television cameras on a daily basis. Who needs the Federalist Papers or Black’s Law Dictionary when you have all the accuracy and nuance of profession­al political pundits, talk radio hosts and internet commenters?

McSpadden treated legal scholars to his latest insight when he told Houston Chronicle reporter Gabrielle Banks that, in violation of state rules, he insisted magistrate­s deny no-cash bail to all newly arrested defendants because, “Almost everybody we see here has been tainted in some way before we see them." How have they been tainted? “Rag-tag organizati­ons like Black Lives Matter, which tell you, 'Resist police,' which is the worst thing in the world you could tell a young black man ,” the long-serving jurist said.

He reemphasiz­ed his point in a letter to the editor: “I think ‘ragtag’ was too nice a term to describe a group which was built on the Ferguson, Mo., lie of ‘Hands up. Don’t shoot.’ Also encouragin­g everyone to ‘resist police,’ and insulting them with remarks like ‘pigs in a blanket,’ among others.”

McSpadden needs to turn off the television and spend some time understand­ing real life in Houston. The activists in our city — not the ones that get attention on Fox News — talk about issues like justice and fair representa­tion in our courts. They express their feelings and frustratio­n through art, such as the exhibit by Black Women Artists for Black Lives Matter at Project Row Houses last year, and engagement like the March for Black Women that met at Emancipati­on Park on Saturday.

We expect our judges to display a judicious temperamen­t from the bench — one that emphasizes integrity and equality before the law. McSpadden instead talks like he’s auditionin­g for a guest spot with Tucker Carlson. It’s an attitude that disgraces our courts with careless and, frankly, lazy stereotypi­ng.

The NAACP legal defense fund used other words to describe McSpadden’s comments: “bigotry and bias.”

The civil rights group has called for the judge to resign because they believe he cannot be trusted to execute the law fairly. The ACLU of Texas has joined them. They and other groups have also filed a formal complaint with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct.

If McSpadden refuses to leave, voters will be able to decide in November whether the Republican incumbent should be replaced by Democratic challenger Brian Warren, who promises to “dispense justice in a fair and equitable manner.”

Until then, Harris County residents can thank McSpadden for peeling back the opaque black robes and revealing the true philosophy that underpins a cash bail system federal courts have found to be unconstitu­tional — a system that long predates the Black Lives Matter movement.

Harris County now looks to elected officials like County Judge Ed Emmett, Commission­ers Jack Cagle and Jack Morman, and the rest of the judiciary, to immediatel­y settle an ongoing lawsuit against the county and implement a new bail system — one that’s compatible with the U.S. Constituti­on’s promise of justice for all.

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