Houston Chronicle Sunday

Unhappy mom is harassed by her family of pranksters

- Dear Abby: DearAbby.com Dear Abby P.O. Box 69440 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

My husband has always liked playing pranks, and my children have started to follow his lead. The pranks tend to be things like ice down the back of my shirt, bopping the end of a glass while drinking so it splashes in my face, snapping wet towels, etc. I don’t like it, and I never do it to them. If I react, I am made out to be the “bad guy” because I “can’t take a joke.”

I feel guilty about the latest incident because when my l0-year-old daughter bopped a drink in my face, I slapped her across the face. When I apologized for responding that way, she said, “Dad does it all the time.”

I never get an apology from the pranksters. Is this normal? How do I get my family to understand that these “jokes” isn’t funny to me?

Unamused in Indiana Dear Unamused:

Jokes at the expense of others can be funny, as long as everyone agrees that they’re funny. Because you have told your husband you not only don’t find his pranks amusing but find them hurtful, I can only conclude that his sense of humor is sadistic. Further, it has set a poor example for the children.

I wonder how your husband would feel if you informed him after a hard day that his accountant had called saying he owes $25,000 in back taxes. (Ho, ho!) Or if you poured a pitcher of ice water on him at 2 a.m. Would that be equally “funny”? I doubt it. Normally, I wouldn’t stoop to that level, but this may be an exception.

Dear Abby:

I am writing because we are receiving some snide comments because of our daughter’s choice of college major. She’s majoring in dance. When people find out, you can see it in their expression or hear it in their tone of voice. “Oh, really? Ummm, how nice.” Or worse, the condescend­ing, “How ‘sweet.’ ”

I want these people to realize it takes guts to pursue her dream of becoming a dancer/choreograp­her and not major in something more convention­al. Why can’t people understand that fine arts majors are brave, bold and passionate about their crafts?

Dancer’s Mom in Texas Dear Dancer’s Mom:

If you react to the comments in a positive way rather than become defensive, they would give you the opening to smile and tell these “convention­al thinkers” how proud you are of your daughter’s choice to pursue her dreams, that her courage in pursuing a field as competitiv­e as entertainm­ent is more than “nice” and you admire her for it.

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