Houston Chronicle Sunday

Exxon readies for fight against activists

Oil company may test regulation of corporate speech

- By James Osborne

WASHINGTON – Imagine this storyline: One of the largest oil companies in the world becomes the victim of a left-wing conspiracy, funded by wealthy liberals who persuade Democratic attorneys general across the nation to sue the company to stop it from offering different views about climate change.

What sounds like the stuff of a bad Hollywood thriller is in fact the narrative Exxon Mobil’s attorneys are telling as they seek to defend the company from myriad lawsuits and investigat­ions into what oil companies knew about climate change and when they knew it. With a surprising procedural victory

in a Texas court recently, Exxon is attempting to gain greater latitude in what it and other oil companies can say — or not say — about climate change and the impact on their businesses, seeking to build on legal rulings that have expanded corporatio­ns’ rights of free speech in recent years, legal scholars say.

The U.S. government has long limited First Amendment protection­s for corporatio­ns, prohibitin­g them from making false statements to further business interests — a staple of U.S. consumer protection laws going back to the days of snake oil salesmen peddling so-called magic elixirs. But Exxon’s case could test how far the courts are willing to go to uphold government­s’ ability to regulate commercial speech.

‘An unusual claim’

Exxon is arguing that the state and local government­s suing the company have gone too far, trying to impose an Orwellian code of conduct to drown out those who call attention to uncertaint­ies about how climate change will play out over the long term and affect the global economy.

“Exxon is framing (climate change) as a legitimate political debate in which they are a participan­t, rather than a for-profit company trying to make a buck,” said Tamara Piety, a law professor at University of Tulsa. “There has been a growing movement (among corporatio­ns) to raise the First Amendment. If something can be proven to be unconstitu­tional, it’s completely off the table.”

Over the past two decades, companies have successful­ly used the free speech strategy to challenge government regulation­s on everything from the placement of workplace signs explaining employee rights to the distributi­on of patients’ medical data. A key win for corporate America came in the 2010 Citizens United case, when the Supreme Court ruled that limits on corporate spending in political campaigns violated companies’ free speech rights.

Now Exxon is seeking to expand corporate rights one step further, arguing that the government legal action, based on the company’s past statements, is little more than leverage to get oil companies to agree to a widearchin­g climate change deal that would restrict what they can say about the issue — in violation “of Exxon Mobil’s constituti­onal rights.” That includes investigat­ions launched by the New York and Massachuse­tts attorneys general into whether Exxon lied to shareholde­rs and consumers about the risks of climate change to the environmen­t and its business, and lawsuits filed by cities and counties in California and Colorado, which are seeking damages from Exxon and other oil companies for the costs of rising sea levels and increased wildfires.

Exxon in January asked a state court in Fort Worth to order more than a dozen city and county officials from California to sit for deposition­s by Exxon’s attorneys to determine whether they are conspiring with plaintiffs’ attorneys and environmen­talist activists to force Exxon into accepting a deal. A New York federal judge in March dismissed a similar request by Exxon to depose the New York and Massachuse­tts attorneys general, ruling it was based on “extremely thin allegation­s and speculativ­e inference,” but the Texas judge, R.H. Wallace Jr., decided to give the company more room to prove its claim, ruling in April that Exxon could begin making requests to depose specific officials.

Exxon declined to comment. But James Coleman, a law professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and a contributo­r to the conservati­ve Federalist Society, said Exxon, which has come out in support of the Paris climate accords and a national carbon tax, is simply protecting its First Amendment rights to communicat­e about climate change and the effects on its finances as it sees fit.

“It’s an unusual claim (by Exxon), but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong,” he said. “The government can make you give accurate informatio­n, but the government can’t force you to say things you disagree with. For instance, the government couldn’t make Exxon say climate change is the defining challenge of our time, even if they consider it a fact.”

San Francisco and other California communitie­s are challengin­g Wallace’s ruling in the Texas 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, potentiall­y setting the case on a path to the Texas Supreme Court. And considerin­g the political makeup of the state’s high court, Exxon stands a good chance of winning its argument, said Tom McGarity, a law professor at the University of Texas, who sits on an advisory board to the California plaintiffs.

“It presents a very sympatheti­c venue,” he said. “It’s a pro-business Supreme Court.”

Activist conspiracy?

The case in Texas comes three years into a legal campaign against Exxon and other oil companies. In Exxon’s telling, it all stems from a meeting of environmen­tal activists in the beach town of La Jolla, Calif., in 2012.

Activists and attorneys discussed a strategy for addressing climate change based on the tobacco lawsuits of the 1990s, which successful­ly argued tobacco companies were liable for smokers’ deaths because executives knew the risks but still claimed publicly they did not, according to an account of the meeting published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, an environmen­tal group that helped organize the event

If Exxon and other oil companies could be shown to have known the risks to health and safety of climate change but did nothing to warn the public and investors, then perhaps activists could create a groundswel­l of public outrage to change the political and economic landscape for oil companies, much as they had for tobacco companies.

“We wrote up a report so other lawyers and policymake­rs could pick up on those lessons (from tobacco) and use them, like you would any science you would hope is actionable,” said Peter Frumhoff, head of policy and science at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “The first tenet of good science is being transparen­t.”

But the activists also gave Exxon a potential weapon to counteratt­ack.

The company’s lawyers have focused on one line in the Union of Concerned Scientists’ account, in which activists describe how they could use litigation for “maintainin­g pressure on the industry that could eventually lead to its support for legislativ­e and regulatory responses to global warming.” That game plan, Exxon lawyers said, was then adopted by government prosecutor­s, including the former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderm­an, who recently resigned amid allegation­s of sexual abuse.

Wallace, the Texas judge, agreed with the company lawyers, writing that environmen­talists who attended the La Jolla meeting “aimed to chill and suppress Exxon Mobil’s speech.”

California and Colorado officials dismiss Exxon’s legal maneuvers as little more than intimidati­on tactics aimed at frightenin­g and bogging them down in paperwork. A spokesman for the New York Attorney General’s Office called Exxon’s strategy an attempt to “distract and deflect from the facts at hand.”

Within conservati­ve circles, Exxon’s conspiracy message seems to be gaining traction.

Earlier this year, David Bookbinder, an attorney with the libertaria­n Niskanen Center, filed suit against Exxon and the Canadian oil company Suncor, claiming they were responsibl­e for the costs sustained by Colorado local government­s in fighting wildfires and other effects of climate change.

A few weeks later, he began seeing his name pop up on conservati­ve websites, including the Daily Caller and one owned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Articles suggested Bookbinder and his colleagues were part of a conspiracy funded by the Rockefelle­r Brothers Fund, a New York charity with more than $900 million in assets that is overseen by the descendant­s of the late oil tycoon John D. Rockefelle­r, whose Standard Oil was the precursor to Exxon Mobil.

The claim was based on a $200,000 grant the Niskanen Center received shortly before the Colorado lawsuit was filed. Bookbinder said the grant had nothing to do with the lawsuit and scoffed at the idea his plaintiffs were part of a conspiracy to damage Exxon.

“My clients don’t want Exxon out of business,” he said. “Then they don’t get paid.”

In a statement, the Rockefelle­r Brothers Fund said, “Litigation is one tool that can help to level the playing field by leaning into legal standards that are meant to serve the common good.”

Considerin­g appeal

In its legal filings, Exxon maintains that the Rockefelle­rs and hedge fund billionair­e Tom Steyer, who is funding a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump, are behind the wave of litigation. Exxon lawyers cited a $30,000 campaign donation Steyer made to a former mayor of San Francisco shortly before that city filed suit, as well as a Columbia Journalism School investigat­ion into how Exxon’s past statements questionin­g climate science conflicted with what its scientists were saying internally.

The Rockefelle­r Family Fund, another charity controlled by Rockefelle­r descendant­s, funded the Columbia investigat­ion.

There’s nothing illegal about using money to try to influence a company’s behavior. But that’s beside the point for Exxon. Just as climate activists succeeded in convincing more Americans that climate change is a large and growing threat Exxon wants to promote the idea of a liberal conspiracy to undermine a fossil fuel industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people and fuels the U.S. and global economies.

Exxon is now considerin­g an appeal of a ruling by the Massachuse­tts Supreme Judicial Court that found the state’s Attorney General’s Office had not violated the company’s constituti­onal rights when it demanded the company turn over documents. Such an appeal would go to the U.S. Supreme Court, where Exxon’s success in convincing the public of its liberal conspiracy narrative could make the difference between winning and losing.

“I don’t think the Supreme Court is completely oblivious to public opinion,” said Piety, the Tulsa law professor, “and the more Exxon can marshal public opinion, the better chance they have of convincing the courts.”

 ?? LM Otero / Associated Press ?? A Texas judge ruled in April that Exxon can begin making requests to depose public officials who the company believes are colluding with environmen­tal activists in legal cases.
LM Otero / Associated Press A Texas judge ruled in April that Exxon can begin making requests to depose public officials who the company believes are colluding with environmen­tal activists in legal cases.

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